X - Independent Dependence

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Tommy sat stiffly on the rough wooden chair, dragging a finger along the side to feel the scratchy surface until his skin snagged on a sharper piece of wood and he withdrew his hand, cradling the injured digit in his lap.

Though Tommy couldn't see either of the men seated across the table, he could feel both Phil and Techno's eyes on him, their combined gaze making him squirm uneasily and straighten his posture, anxiety growing by the second as the weighty silence dragged on. His fists clenched and unclenched, ragged nails biting into his palms.

"There's a plate to your right," Phil said, finally cutting through the palpable tension that had seeped into the room.

Phil continued talking as Tommy extended a tentative hand, reaching forwards uncertainly until he brushed against a warm ceramic object.

"Eggs and toast. There's honey on the toast-- we keep bees, though they don't do much this time of year. But once May comes around, they'll be out of the hives and collecting pollen again. Maybe you can help, if we find the... the antidote by then."

Tommy was only half-listening to Phil's rambling speech. A light metal utensil had been positioned next to the plate, and grabbing both, he proceeded to stab inaccurately at the food, successfully spearing scrambled eggs every few thrusts with his fork. The hot meal burned his lips, but he didn't mind; it had been ages since he'd eaten something that wasn't cold or stale.

"Once you finish eating I can show you around the house. It's not huge, but it's comfortable. Especially since Techno's the only one living here."

Tommy set down the fork and began munching on his toast.

"I thought you both lived here." he said, still chewing, mouth full of sweet honey and bread.

"I'm just visiting. I have property in L'Manberg, but I prefer it here."


The conversation was paused as Phil ate his own eggs, fork occasionally clinking against the plate. He coughed lightly before resuming.

"Techno has to leave soon, so it'll be you and me for a while. Is there anything you wanted to do today?"

Tommy pushed back from the table, plate empty.

"Well, I was thinking I'd be on my way now," he said, standing up.

"What?" Phil said, genuine confusion in his tone.

"Yea," Tommy said as he started moving towards the door. "It's been nice, but I should get going."

"You can't be serious."

Tommy reached the door without incident. Ignoring Phil, he turned the cold knob, slipping outside and firmly shutting the exit behind himself.


The wintry air pricked at his skin, suddenly reminding Tommy of his thin clothing. He could feel goosebumps rise on his arms as he hugged them closer to his body, already freezing. Maybe he should have asked for warmer clothes before leaving. But the cozy atmosphere of the house was too alluring, and he knew if he turned around now he'd never come out.

Taking a first cautious step onto the stairs attached to the porch, he slipped on the thin veneer of ice coating the steps and was forced to clutch wildly at the railing, tightly gripping it for support and continuing downwards until his feet crunched into deep snow that swallowed his shabby sneakers entirely, wetting the bottoms of his torn jeans and encompassing half of his chilled shins. Tommy huffed a determined breath.

If he had entered Techno's house from this direction last night, he should be able to find his campsite by walking back the same way and retracting his steps. Dream was probably worried about him-- after all, they were best friends-- and Tommy had to admit he missed speaking to the masked man who came to see him almost every other day. He wondered if Dream would be upset with him for running away.

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