chapter 14

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Bhavishya nodded as she flicked her wrist. Instantly the metal shot forward and struck the wall at a blinding speed. “There ya go. I recommend carrying metal around with you, could come in handy,” the pretty army girl clapped her hands together as Bhavishya smiled proudly. Yeji suggested asking the people of other Kingdoms to teach their skills, and Bhavishya was hoping to learn a bit from Sophie afterwards.

“Sophie- Eh? Why do you look so down?” Bhavishya asked the moment she spotted Sophie manipulating her water in the cup, raising it up and down before she froze it. “They wouldn’t teach me healing. They don’t think I’m good enough with the power of water manipulation,” Sophie sighed as she slammed her face against the table.

Bhavishya tried to lift the water, but it refused to budge. “Uhm, I think you’ll be able to,” Bhavishya tried to comfort Sophie as she lifted her head and moved the water back into the cup. “Anyways, you wanted to ask me something?” queried Sophie before she placed her head back on the table.

“ITZY told me I should learn as many powers as possible while I’m here, so I was hoping you could teach me?” Bhavishya said, before waving her hands frantically in front of her face. “You don’t have to now! I just uh-”

“Let’s go,” Sophie said as she headed to the battle field, where Bhavishya spotted ITZY speaking with Yana, who didn’t look very pleased. Yana and ITZY noticed Bhavishya almost the moment she walked into the training grounds before Yana stormed off, tossing her majestic hair off her face.

“Right, let’s start with water. Just take a deep breath and let yourself flow along with the water,” Sophie began as she moved her hands slowly, letting the water flow up to her hands. Bhavishya tried, but the water didn’t budge.

Frustrated, she tapped her foot as she tried again, but the water didn’t move. “Bhavishya, relax your muscles, let yourself flow,” chided Sophie. Bhavishya tried again, relaxing all her muscles. The water didn’t even move.

“Agh!” cried out Bhavishya, letting a blast of air spring off from her fists. Sophie pulled up ores to hold herself in place and looked at Bhavishya. “I think Bhavishya is struggling to learn water right now,” Ryujin said as she walked up to them. Bhavishya rubbed her temples as she tried to cool off. “Bhavishya’s personality is more...rigid. Water requires the user to be more carefree and relaxed. It seems like she’s being tied down by something,” Yeji explained.

My mother.

“One has to be able to adapt to anything before they can control water properly, or so I heard from our former Multi guard,” Ryujin shrugged, trying her best to sum it up for Bhavishya. “What the previous Multi did to learn how to manipulate lightning was by learning other powers first, before getting back onto learning lightning. Seems like being a Multi makes everything pretty tough. How about you teach Bhavishya the power of the Carats, and you teach Sophie the power of the iGOT7s?” suggested Yeji.

Bhavishya wanted to disagree and keep trying to use the Exo-l power, but decided she would learn the other powers first.

After about 5 hours of non-stop work, Bhavishya was able to fire and block with ores she pulled from the earth beneath her. She felt pretty proud as she pulled up an ore into her hand while Sophie was trying out the newfound ability of the iGOT7s.

“Thanks a lot, especially you, Princess Yeji. I wanted to learn healing but I think it’s better I learn other powers first to make sure I can learn healing on my own in the future,” thanked Sophie, doing a slight bow.

“Alright, Bhavishya, let’s go get some rest before the final competition tomorrow. The rest of ITZY is waiting for us,” Ryujin said, her voice strangely more sympathetic. “Bhavishya, if you don’t mind, could you tell us about your brother?” asked Yeji, out of the blue. Bhavishya felt her blood begin to boil as Yana’s face flashed in her mind. “What did Yana say to you?” snapped Bhavishya, her voice no longer soft and warm. It was sharp and cold and Bhavishya didn’t care about whatever royalty nonsense was happening right now because she was ticked off.

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