chapter 4

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Sophie was so dizzy when she got up. “What the hell?” she exclaimed as she tried to feel her surroundings. As he vision cleared, she could see a giant room with 8 thrones made of silver before her, with 8 handsome boys dressed in black and red, sitting on the throne. “So this is the girl you’re talking about?” 

“Who the hell are you????” she screamed the moment a boy turned up in her vision. ‘That explains everything. How do you not know your own rulers?” asked the tallest boy. He had a red cape on his right shoulder and a spear in his left hand.

“I mean, you seem familiar, but I don’t know you, because I never cared about the kings. Every girl is so busy fangirling it makes me slightly disgusted,” she replied. The guy with a red and black fur coat just stared at her. “You’re kidding, right?” he began, looking a slight bit surprised.

“No?” she mumbled. 

Felix appeared in her line of sight. Instead of the clothing he had on when she first met him, he wore a black and red shirt on with black pants and a wreath made of golden leaves on his head.

“I guess we should introduce ourselves. My name’s Chan. And you should know Felix and Jeongin by now. That over there is Hyunjin, Seungmin, Minho, Changbin and Han. Got that?” asked Chan.

“No????” she mumbled. Strangely, a few hummingbirds fluttered into the room. They were golden and had beautiful glossy feathers. “Those your pets? They’re cool,” she exclaimed whilst pointing at them, her eyes sparkling.Instantly, Minho turned to speak with Chan. “Don’t you
know only royals and Multis can see those Hummingbirds?” growled Minho. “Uh, I wouldn't know since not everyone is a Multi and a royal. So no one would tell me. Aren't they just some humming birds?” she scratched her head in confusion.

“Just birds- Those birds are celestial beings. They give power to the Multis and Royals. You’re a Multi right?” Chan began. “What? Of course I am. Do You see me with a crown over my head?” she replied, getting even more confused and feeling a sense of hunger form in her stomach. "Could I please leave? I didn't do anything wrong..."

“Shut your insolent-”

“Back down Hera,” ordered Chan.

Hera was dressed in thick armour, with a few guards behind her. “Wait, I heard from rumours that you guys don’t have your own set of guards because you guys are powerful enough to defend yourselves. That true?” she asked, eyeing Hera warily.

Felix nodded. “She’s just a general,” he muttered. Hera looked furious and humiliated as she backed down. Sophie let out a small grunt. “Can I go? I’m hungry,” she grumbled. “HUNGRY? YOU DARE SPEAK TO THE PRINCES-”

“HERA! Why do we always have to repeat to you, stop getting involved in our matters, just because you are the general!” scolded Seungmin. “B- but Seungmin, she was being rude,” Hera stuttered. “Who let you call us by our names?” growled Felix. Hera quietened. Sophie rubbed her face tiredly. “Stop blabbering about your private matters in front of me! Jeez, show Hera some respect!” she drawled as she frowned.

“Felix, walk her out of the castle,” sighed Chan. “But Chan! Why not I walk her out! Or we could even keep her here, since she is  a Multi,” Squeaked Hera. “Again with calling us by our names, just stop it already,” said Han.

“Keeping a Multi...not a bad idea. Fine, follow me,” Chan ordered as he got off his seat. Hera began to move, but she was stopped when Hyunjin opened a portal beneath her right foot. “Take another step and you’re gonna be sent to the cold mountains,” he snapped. Sophie let out a furious groan as she followed them out of the castle grounds.

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