chapter 5

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Bhavishya did not feel good in the stomach or head. She felt an incessant urge to puke everything out.

“Please don’t throw up. I’m sorry Ryujin dragged you so forcefully here,” came a gentle voice. “Please don’t mind control me again,” pleaded Bhavishya. “I’m not Ryujin. You should know me!” Bhavishya’s eyes widened as Yeji, the oldest and supposedly the wisest ruler of the lands, held her hand out.

She looked young. Bhavishya always assumed it was just the painters fantasizing their looks, but this just confirmed that they had extremely young rulers. Even so, they were doing very well managing the affairs of the kingdom.

Bhavishya sat upright, with the instant urge to puke everything even after princess Yeji hoped she would not. “I’m sorry I can't- hold it in. May.. I know where is.. Where is the washroom?” She said , looking half sick. “It's all the way down the halls to the left.” Yeji replied looking sorry for her.

Bhavishya half ran to the bathroom and stormed in just before following up by puking inside the toilet bowl. After she was done, she flushed it and went to the main sinks to wash her face. “Have I… seen you before?” A voice erupted from behind her. Bhavishya looked up into the mirror and saw princess Yuna standing behind her, eyeing her closely with a scrunched up face. The youngest princess! She was so cute just looking at her filled Bhavishya's heart with warmth. “We.. have not exactly met before but my mother, Yana works in the royal treasury and affairs.” She replied smiling widely. “YANA! YOU LOOK EXACTLY LIKE YOUR MOTHER! I’m very close to Yana and in this kingdom we are known as the twins, Yana and Yuna!” She replied laughing.

Bhavishya’s smile was wiped right off her face. Bhavishya hated it when people said that. But of course, she couldn’t argue with the Princess. She just laughed awkwardly and nervously, hoping to change the topic. “So...what brings you here?” She questioned. “AH THAT. Bbhavishya replied and continued to say, “I myself don't know. Maybe princess Ryujin might have an answer to that.”

“Ryujin? Wait are you the one girl who was dragged to the palace by her?” She asked horrified, almost out of pity. Bhavishya shook her head in agreement and Yeji shot her a worried look. “You should get yourself checked out. You must be starving, follow me to the main hall-” Yuna was cut off by a voice.

“She doesn’t have time to eat, Yuna, bring her to the courtroom,” snapped Ryujin, who appeared at the doorway of the washroom. “And to make things very clear, I didn’t drag you here, I had my guards lift you up and bring you here,” she grumbled as she walked to the courtroom.

The 5 princesses sat on the top of the throne, in their royal attire. This really made her nervous. Ryujin furrowed her brow. “She’s a Multi, I didn’t just drag a random commoner here,” she sighed.
“A Multi? I haven’t met one in ages since the last one who served the Palace died,” Yeji gaped. “D-Died? How?” Bhavishya stammered.

“She died when she tried to save us from an Anti that had horribly powerful abilities,” Chaeryeong explained. Bhavishya nearly passed out again, but Ryujin instantly shot her a look. “Please don’t. Not again. You took 5 hours to wake up. We need to interrogate you. How did you even manage to stay so well hidden?” asked Ryujin, her voice filled with slight irritation. Lia beamed. “Ryujin, she’s gonna pass out because she’s nervous. Bhavishya, right? Don’t be nervous. The punishments could only get as bad as a death sentence,” she chuckled.

Is this some sort of joke-

“Yes, it is,” Yeji laughed. “Did you my mind????” gaped Bhavishya. “It’s a signature ability of our people. Some people get it early and some don't but it's a common power. I'm sure you should know, since you are a midzy and a Multi too, so technically can learn it, "Lia explained.

I can’t even think in peace- Oh god. I wish I didn't sneak out. If mother finds out I'm dead.

“You snuck out?” Ryujin asked. Bhavishya almost slapped herself right there and then. “Ah.. that….would you be mad if i said yes?” She said. “So yana doesn't know? Maybe we should tell her?” Lia said. “NO PLEASE. ANYTHING THAN THAT.” she said a bit too loud.

All five of them looked pretty alarmed at the sudden outburst. “Why…?” began Chaeryeong. “I- I don’t get to leave my house much and I usually uhm, well…” Bhavishya trailed off. “Usually....?” Yeji repeated.

“I sneak out to practice using my Multi abilities,” she managed to blabber out. “Hmm...what Kingdom’s abilities have you managed to use other than our Kingdom’s?” asked Lia and Bhavishya shrugged.

“I...It’s like an extra sense. It allows me to react before someone attacks and I can easily figure out how someone is attacking. But this takes up a small bit of my stamina and my eyes become red,” she managed to stutter.

“Sixth sense from the Abnews? Well, it’s pretty good of an ability, but the water manipulation from the Exo-ls would be better. It comes with healing, especially if you can control the water well enough. Some energy thing that I don’t understand,” mumbled Yuna.

Suddenly, Bhavishya felt a jolt up her spine as she spun and around and grabbed the arrow fired at her. “It is the sixth sense! That was amazing speed,” praised Ryujin. “How did you manage that- How...wha?” Bhavishya choked as her brain grew fuzzy.

“Ah, the side effects from using the ability without proper control. I just sent a telepathic message to my guard to shoot you,” explained Yeji as Bhavishya felt slightly suffocated. She could have died.

“I think you would serve us well as a Multi,” Yuna implied. “Do I have a choice?” asked Bhavishya. “Well...You do. But I don’t think you want to return to somewhere where people believe the powers of Multis are a curse, do you? And I don't think you want to return to your home do you?”

Bhavishya sighed in frustration. “Of course not. Now, your training will begin tomorrow. We have some people who worked with the Multi before I hope they’ll be of some use,” chuckled Yeji as Bhavishya was dismissed.

Bhavishya seriously regretted sneaking out. Lia and Yuna led her to her room on the third floor. “You may rest here and change your clothes. I’ll send somebody up when it's time for lunch.” Yuna said smiling. “Yes thank you!” She thanked her and she shut the door right after they left. She waited to hear their footsteps fade away and she let her thoughts run through.

WHY.DID.I.EVEN.HAVE.TO.SNEAK.OUT. UGH. I need to find a way to escape and run back home.

“We can still hear your thoughts you know,” chuckled Lia. Bhavishya slammed her head against the cupboard door with a furious yell.

Alright time to shower.

Bhavishya took a quick shower and she opened the cupboard. “Lets see what we have here..” Surprisingly, there were long pants, shirts and different kinds of clothes instead of the long dresses and skirts she had back home. “Well, i kinda like it here.” she said to herself. She slipped on long pants and a short top and she spent her day at the castle pretty well.

Tomorrow…. She thought furiously. Let's get this done and over with.

The next day she woke up and got ready for her training. She put on a vest and training gear they provided. She was led to the arena where four princesses waited eagerly for her. “W-wait.. where ‘s Ryujin?” she asked. “Who else do you think you are gonna fight with?” Chaeryong asked while chuckling.

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