Jake's Presentation

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"Class," The teacher announced. "We have surprise guests that will be observing your presentations today. I know, I know, this came as a shock to me too, but the principal thinks it will foster good relations between schools. These are students from Yeo-Il High School: Donald Na, Kingsley Kwan, and Alistair Rei,"

"What are they going to be presenting on?" Kingsley inquired.

"Their favorite school clubs," The teacher informed. "The first person going will be Jake Ji,"

Jake walked up to the front of the classroom, unfazed by Donald and Kingsley's presence. He began his slide presentation. "Hello, my name is Jake Ji and my favorite school club is the Shipping Club,"

'Ships?' Both Donald and Kingsley thought. 'I didn't know that Jake was interested in ships,'

"No, not ships like boats," Jake explained. "Ships as in relationships. For example, Jimmy Bae X Jack Kang," He went to the next slide that had a photo of Jimmy and Jack standing next to each other with several hearts drawn around them. "We think these two would make an amazing couple. The next slide has a video showing you how we conducted our research for one of our other ships,"

"What's the ship you're researching about?" A student asked.

"Donald Na X Kingsley Kwan," Jake smiled innocently and motioned to Donald and Kingsley. "Don't you think these two make a great couple?"

"What?" Donald and Kingsley didn't know what to say and instead let their jaws drop as Jake played the video.

"Hey what's up everyone, this is Jake Ji and my fellow Shipping Club Alistair Rei," Jake waved to the camera. "Today we're gonna be breaking into—I mean, today we're going to be locating and recording information that supports our ship,"

"I've finished picking the lock of Donald's front door," Alistair told him. "Let's go,"

The two teens entered and immediately saw the Kingsley Kwan shrine against the wall. 

"Aww, how cute!" Jake cooed. "Donald has Kingsley Kwan shrine! It matches the Donald Na shrine at Kingsley's house!"

"Let's snap some pics for your presentation,"  Alistair proceeded to take several photos.

The video ended. "So these are the information we've compiled to prove our point," Jake continued onto the next slide, showing the photos of Donald and Kingsley when they were younger. "Also, Donald wouldn't really get along well with any other person since Kingsley's his only friend,"

"I have other friends!" Donald claimed, offended.

"Your right hand doesn't count," Alistair smirked.

"Right hand?" Kingsley furrowed his brows and he turned red when he realized the implication. 

"Now, I'll be showing the fanarts that my club has made for Donald X Kingsley," Jake went to the next slide.

There were several photos of the two kissing, laying on top of each other, cuddling, hugging, and...some of them were very steamy. 

Both Donald and Kingsley were blubbering messes by now. They also had severe nosebleeds.

"In conclusion," Jake finished up his presentation. "Those two lovebirds should seriously get a hint and start dating. They both love each other,"

Did Jake get an A+ for his presentation?

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