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SPOILER ALERT: This story contains a few spoilers for the Ch 139.

Once upon a time, there lived a young boy named Sam Lee, who for some reason decided to go by Grape. His father died and his mother remarried Changyeon Lee. As a result of the marriage, Grape gained two stepbrothers: Jeongmu Choi and Sangwook Yeom. Don't ask why they had different last name from their father.

Unfortunately, Grape's mother died not long after. Grape's step-family were cruel people and treated Grape like a free maid, forcing him to do all the housework. They were assholes and would also beat Grape up whenever they felt like it.

One day, a letter arrived from the palace inviting everyone to attend the royal ball. Obviously Changyeon, Jeongmu, and Sangwook didn't want Grape attending and locked him up while they bought fancy clothes and headed to the ball.

Forrest Lee and Robin Ha, who were friends of Grape, freed the boy. Grape wanted to attend the ball to rebel against his step-family, even if it was just for one night. He'd then flee his step-family and live with his friends. Actually, why hadn't he thought of that sooner? That was a great idea!

As much as Grape wanted to attend the ball, he did not have the necessary attire and would not be allowed inside the palace. He sighed and sulked alongside his friends.

Suddenly, there was a bright burst of sparkles and a young man appeared right in front of them. He wore clothes that was definitely not from the current time period. Hoodies did not exist until the 1930s while the story of Cinderella took place sometime between 1869 and 1870. 

"Wassup bitches," Myles Joo greeted. "I'm your fairy godfather,"

The human boys all exchanged a confused look. "Who's fairy godfather?"

"I have no idea who I was assigned to," Myles claimed. "I mean, I was told who but I forgot,"

"It's Sam Lee," Scorpion, who was Myles' assistant that also appeared in a burst of sparkles, reminded. "You were assigned to Sam Lee,"

"Meh, who the hell cares?" Myles shrugged. "There are three of them here and it's kinda unfair to only help one of them so..." He snapped his fingers. "All three of them shall go to the ball,"

"This...isn't the required attire," They were wearing their modern clothes from the actual Webtoon rather than suits.

"Fine," Myles snapped his fingers once more. "Enjoy being in those stuffy suits until midnight since that's when the magic will wear off,"

"How will we get to the ball?" Robin inquired.

"Bitch, y'all got legs," Myles pointed out. "Just walk. I already provided you guys with fancy shmancy clothing. Don't be a choosing beggar,"

"Providing transportation was part of the mission," Scorpion informed.

Myles sighed loudly and snapped his fingers. A large nearby rock turned into a carriage. "It was supposed to be a pumpkin but rocks are sturdier so I used a rock instead. But what about horses? Who's gonna pull the carriage?"

"You were supposed to transform Forrest Lee and Robin Ha into stallions," Scorpion said. "But you decided to have them attend the ball too, so you will need to find replacements,"

"Oh look, trash," Myles snapped his fingers and transformed the unnamed guys from Team Three, who were just passing by, into horses. "Who the fuck needs a coachman? If I can turn human beings into horses, then I can make them obedient so they bring the boys to and from the ball,"

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Fairy Godfather!" Grape smiled. 

"You are an adorable little kid!" Myles pinched Grape's cheeks. 

"You literally look like you're the same age as us," Forrest pointed out. "And aren't you the guy that lives down the street, Myles Joo?"

"Shut up Forrest," Myles said. "Now I need to do the godfather part," He slid on some glasses and held up a handgun. "I've never watched The Godfather, but I'm pretty sure it's a mafia movie. Time to kill Grape's step-family,"

"I know I probably should be against you killing them," Grape told him. "But they've been treating me like shit for way too long so...have fun!"

"Oh, I will," Myles patted Grape's head. "I'll make sure to kill them before they arrive at the ball,"

"But...they left an hour ago," Robin claimed. "They already arrived,"

"Bitch, I got magic,"


Grape, Forrest, and Robin all had fun at the ball. They enjoyed the tasty foods and drinks. Grape decided to get some fresh air in the garden and bumped into Prince Wolf Keum, who wanted to get away from the crowded ballroom.

"Sorry sir," Grape apologized.

'Sir?' Wolf scrutinized Grape with his gaze. 'This bastard doesn't know that I'm the prince? What the hell!? Everyone in the kingdom should have learned who the members of the royal family are! Well, at least he's not trying to seduce me or anything like all those people in the ballroom,' "Watch where you're going,"

"I will," Grape nodded. "Sorry again," He turned to leave, but Wolf caught his hand.

"Why don't we stay and chat?" Wolf had originally intended to be alone while in the garden, but some company wouldn't kill him.

Hidden in some bushes, covered in blood, was Myles watching the two. "I ship them,"

The two continued to chat until for some reason the clock rang loudly at midnight. Seriously, does it do that every midnight? Wouldn't that wake the entire palace up or something?

"I need to go!" Grape said. "I, uh, need to go meet the prince!" He ran away before Wolf could introduce himself.

Wolf felt very offended and chased after him. "Get back here!"

"Forrest, Robin, we need to go!" Grape pulled his friend's with him towards the front door. He tripped as he was rushing down the stairs and one of his shoes slid off. Ignoring it, he ushered his friends to the carriage.

Wolf grabbed the shoe and threw it at Grape's head, knocking him to the ground before he could enter the carriage. "Last time I checked, the prince wasn't in that carriage," He walked over to Grape for his response.

"Oh, uh, I'm gonna meet the prince at a different location after the ball to uh," Grape lied horribly. 

"To what?" Wolf folded his arms and quirked a brow.

Grape answered with the first thing that came to mind. "To propose?"

Forrest and Robin's jaws had dropped and they stared at Grape. After a few seconds of shocked silence, Robin spoke, "Grape...that's Prince Wolf,"


Wolf scooped Grape up bridal style. "Alright, let's announce it to everyone so they'll stop hitting on me,"

"Wait, what!?"

"You and I are getting married," Wolf told him. "You proposed and I accepted,"

"WOOHOO!" Myles cheered and began to dance. "My ship has sailed! My ship has sailed! Ooh yeah, my ship has sailed!"

King Donald Na and King Kingsley Kwan both witnessed the entire event from their balcony. "They grow up so fast!" Donald cried. "Our little boy's gonna get married!"

"Donald, Wolf is planning to marry someone he as literally known for two or three hours," Kingsley reminded. "And shouldn't we have the guards detain that guy who's covered in blood and dancing in the bushes?"

"Don't spoil the mood, Kingsley,"

If Wolf was the prince in Cinderella, he'd most likely just throw the shoe at Cinderella to get her to stop running.

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