Chibi Gray (Awakening)

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"Hey little boy, can you hear me?"

'Ugh...' Gray managed to open his eyes and sat up, wincing as he did so. 'Who are these people?'

"Good, you're awake," Donald smiled softly at him. "Can you tell me your name?"

'Judging by his tattoos, pale skin, blood red eyes, and platinum blonde hair...this guy is Donald Na,' Gray noted. 'But why does he look so big? He's only a teenager like the others, but he looks multiple times my size,' "Gray Yeon,"

"I'm going to pick you up now, okay Gray?" Donald told him. "We're going to bring you to the hospital,"

'Hospital?' Gray grimaced a put a hand to his head and his eyes widened when he saw the blood. But that wasn't the only thing that shocked him. His clothes were the same ones he had been wearing earlier, but they were now much too large for him!

 His clothes were the same ones he had been wearing earlier, but they were now much too large for him!

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"What the fuck!?" Gray exclaimed.

Donald carefully picked Gray up off the ground. "I'm having my boyfriend bring the car over so we don't have to walk far, alright?"

Gray silently nodded, still caught up in his thoughts. 'Please tell me this is a nightmare. I can't be this small! I was already shorter than average with my normal height! Why couldn't someone like Gerard shrink instead!?' He took a deep breath to calm himself down. 'Okay, now I need to try to figure out what the fuck happened to me!'

Kingsley arrived with the car and Donald carefully buckled Gray into the backseat and sat down next to him. Kingsley started driving to the hospital.

"Can you tell us what happened to you?" Kingsley gently inquired.

"I accidentally saw an illegal deal between some shady people and was force fed a poison," Gray informed. "They expected the poison to kill me, but I miraculously survived but ended up in the body of a child,"

"That does explain the oversized clothing," Donald hummed.

"Donald," Kingsley deadpanned. "You're not seriously believing that story, are you?"

"Kingsley, he told me his name was Gray Yeon," Donald pointed out. "That's the White Mamba's name. And if he was some homeless kid or a runaway, I'm sure he'd at least be wearing clothes closer to his actual size. Also, if you look at his profile on the Shuttle Patch, he has the same skin tone, eye color, and hair color. His facial features are also the same, just softer due to his age,"

"If you know that I'm the White Mamba, what do you intend to do with me?" Gray was ready to jump out of the moving car if necessary. 

"Donald don't you dare—"

"We'll adopt you!" 

"Donald you can't just go around kidnapping people!"

"It's not kidnapping, it's surprise adopting!"

The whole shrinking thing is from the anime/manga Detective Conan.

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