Donald Yeon

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Donald had been born into an abusive household. At six years old, he ran away and lived on the streets. He dug through trash in order to survive in the harsh world. At seven years old, he was taken in by a kind couple and introduced to their son, Gray Yeon.

"Hello," The six year old, grey haired, pink eyed boy greeted. "My name is Gray Yeon,"

"I'm Donald N—" He didn't want to use that name. It was the surname of his abusive father. 

"Donald," Mom Yeon said. "If you want to, you can use our last name. After all, you are part of this family now,"

For the first time in his entire life, Donald felt loved. "I'm Donald Yeon,"


Donald enjoyed being a big brother. Gray wasn't a hyperactive child like most kids his age were. Instead, he was quiet and liked to read. The two boys both enjoyed studying and learning new things.

But Donald also made sure to learn how to fight in order to protect himself. He also wanted Gray to learn how to fight. At first, Gray refused and claimed he had no interest in fighting. But Donald pointed out how he might encounter bullies in the future. So, Gray trained alongside Donald. The smaller boy never got as buff as his older brother, but he did gain a bit more muscle mass than he had in the canon version.

Donald moved into his own apartment when he got into Yeo-Il High School so the travel distance would be shorter. He had decided that he and his best friend, Kingsley Kwan, were going to form a union. Donald decided to go by his original last name just in case anything went wrong with his plans, he wouldn't be ruining his family's reputation.

Donald got a call from his personal cell phone in a middle of a meeting. He told Kingsley he was in charge before heading to his office to answer the call. "Mom?"

"'s your brother..."

"What happened to Gray?" Donald could hear the concern and worry in his mother's voice.

"His friend got really hurt and Gray stopped attending school. He's always holed up in his room and barely eating anything,"

"I'll stop by and talk to him," Donald ended the call. 'Gray...who reduced you to such a state?'


"Gray?" Donald gently knocked on the door. "It's me, Donald. Can I come in?"

Gray mumbled something incomprehensible, but Donald took it as a sign to enter. Gray was buried under his blanket, dull eyes staring at his computer monitor which was playing a video.

Donald became enraged and furious when he saw Gray's current state. "Gray, who hurt you?"

Gray remained silent.

Donald took a seat beside Gray. "Mom said that your friend got really hurt. I know emotionally, you're hurting too,"

"They pushed him off the roof..." Gray mumbled and a fresh wave of tears began to fall. "Donald...he's in a coma...Stephen's in a coma..."

Donald hugged his little brother. "If I were you, I'd get revenge,"

'Revenge...' That words echoed in Gray's head. "Donald...I want to make them pay!" 'I'll make Oswald Yang, Desmond Kang, and Bryce Oh regret hurting Stephen!'

"To get revenge, you need your strength," Donald told him. "But you need to eat. Once you finish eating your lunch, you and I will spar. If you're going to get into a fight, make sure you will win. If you have to fight dirty, then fight dirty. Who cares about honor or pride in a fight? There is only a winner and a loser,"

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