🌗𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐈𝐭 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤🌗

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I missed Tommy. Well, I suppose that was a given. Thankfully, it seemed my distraction had given him and Wilbur enough time to get away safely, and when Tubbo came back from his quest, he confirmed my theory.

I was worried by the pallor of my brunette friend's skin as he practically threw himself through the door to my house, gasping for breath with tears dripping down his face. In that moment, it didn't matter if he'd killed Tommy. He needed me. I brought him wordlessly over to the kitchen, making him sit on the counter. My hands shook as I brewed some tea, anxious for news.

After Tubbo drank the whole mug of peppermint tea I made him, he sighed, skin turning back to normal.

"I found Tommy." His voice was wavering slightly. My breath hitched in my throat, praying the blonde boy was alive.

"And?" I pressed, unable to contain my fear.

"I couldn't do it. I just saw his eyes and I saw everything we'd been through. And I just couldn't." I sprang forward, embracing my friend, laughing and crying at the same time.

"He's safe?" I whispered.

"Yes." There was a pause as we stared at each other, smiling with relief.

"Tubbo, I want you to know, no matter what happens, no matter what Schlatt tells you to do, you can come to me. You can talk to me." I assured him. He quirked his lips in reply.

"Tommy wanted me to tell you... That he's okay. He's going to be fine, him and Wilbur have a plan and they're gonna come back for you." I frowned slightly.

"Come back for me? Why would he specifically come back for me?" I was confused.

"Well, I'm surprised you didn't notice, Felicity, but Tommy's rather fond of you."

"Yeah, I'm fond of him too, that's how friendship works." I rolled my eyes and flicked the shorter boy's nose. Tubbo made to reply before a Lound knock resonated from the hall. I walked over to the door quickly, opening it to find Quackity, fidgeting and nervous, a purple bruise around his eye.

"Quackity?" I asked incredulously.

"No time, Technoblade's here." I froze. Tubbo spoke for me with his next words.

"What do you mean, Technoblade's here?" The man in question was renowned throughout the world as a formidable fighter and prestigious revolutionary. I'd never encountered him myself, but I know that Tommy and Wilbur had spoken to him on a number of occasions. So what the fuck was he doing in L'manberg?

"I mean he's been spotted by the walls, with Tommy. You know, the kid who's supposed to be banished?" The Vice President explained.

"With Tommy?!" Tubbo exclaimed.

"Are you positive?" I asked slowly. Quackity nodded rapidly. I bit my lip, making a split second decision.

"Schlatt wants us to deal with them both." The man with the blue tie informed us. I exhaled slowly.

"I'll go." I volunteered myself, a plan already forming in mind. Tubbo looked at me sharply, as though reading my thought process.

"Felicity, I don't think it's best if you do that, if you fail, Schlatt will punish you worst, he's already weary about you..." Quackity, looked at me, concerned.

"That doesn't matter," I waved him away quickly. From the other two's expressions I could tell they weren't keen about the job the president had given them either. I paused, taking another look at the VP's face.

"What the hell happened?" I asked quietly. He rubbed the bruise subconsciously, breaking eye contact.

"Nothing..." He was suddenly distracted, wringing his hands.

"Did Schlatt do that?" I asked darkly.

"Can we talk about this later?" He asked, clearly upset. I sighed.

"Fine. But we are talking about it. I'll deal with the current situation. Tubbo, please go look after Q." I requested, using my nickname for the man. The brunette nodded, leading the beanie wearing Vice President away.

I stalked through the forest, sword drawn. I had no intention of using it if I found Techno and Tommy, it was more for if Schlatt made the wise decision not to trust me and send his lackeys Punz and Ponk to investigate their whereabouts. Every sound made me flinch.

I figured if I was the one to find the two fugitives, let them bloody me up a bit, and return to Schlatt, claiming I was beaten, they could remain safe. I had no intention of "dealing with them" as the President had to delicately put it.

I heard the cry of a horse some way off, and pushed myself flat against a tree. My breath quickened as I heard the noise approach. I gripped the handle of my sword tighter, anticipating attack.

"How much further?" I heard a bored, monotone voice a few meters away.

"Uh, like another fifteen minutes?" My heart stopped. That was Tommy's voice. I peeked round the trunk I was concealed behind, spying the two on horseback.

I saw Tommy, out of his L'manberg Uniform. His blonde hair was a little more messy, dirt and blood staining his face. He was wearing his old red and white shirt, a green bandana around his neck. Around his chest was a leather strap, holding vials of potions. His sword was slung over his back. The man next to him was one I didn't recognise, but knew to be Technoblade. His ears were oddly pointy, but hidden behind curls of bubblegum pink hair. A crown was placed jauntily on his head. A red cloak draped over his shoulder's, laying perfectly as it fell down to his horse. But what caught my eyes was a terrifying mask made of a skull attached to his hip.

I inhaled slowly before revealing myself.

"Tommy?" I called cautiously, stepping out.

"What the hell are you doing? It isn't safe, Felicity." The blonde boy hissed upon seeing me.

"I-" I didn't really have a response.

"Who's this, your girlfriend?" Technoblade joked, looking at Tommy. My face flushed red momentarily.

"No, she's a friend. But she shouldn't be here." He repeated, imploringly.

"Wouldn't you prefer it was me who saw you sneaking a murderer through L'manberg than Schlatt?" I said quietly. His face softened for a second.

"Oh... Thanks." He replied slowly.

"Look, Tommy, I just wanted to make sure nothing happened to you. I don't know what the fuck you're planning, but... I'm with you. Even if it's from. The shadow of Schlatt's administration." I confessed.

"That means a lot, Felicity. Thank you." He smiled warmly.

"Now go, before someone less amiable finds you." I instructed. He nodded, leading his horse forwards.

"Tommy?" I called, he turned back.

"What?" He replied.

"I- Nevermind."

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓽 ~ (𝓣𝓸𝓶𝓶𝔂𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓽 𝔁 𝓞𝓒) DISCONTINUED :(Where stories live. Discover now