🌘𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐲𝐧𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡🌘

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"The sun rises on another beautiful day in our country."

The wind whipped my peach hair around my face as I stood on the stage, face steely. I had to remain expressionless. Not two hours ago I had confessed my allegiance to Tommy, should he need me. Something told me he'd try and keep me isolated from any conflict, that's just always how he'd been with me, even in the revolution.

Tubbo's words were still ringing through my ears.

"Well, I'm surprised you didn't notice, Felicity, but Tommy's rather fond of you."

A nagging suspicion told me he didn't mean friendship. And if not, then what? Why did such words cloud my mind, and why did my face flush at Technoblade's mistaking me for the blonde's girlfriend. I was losing my edge. And at a time like this, that was the last thing I could afford.

"The sun rises over another chapter of our great nation. Another page in the history textbooks kids will be reading." Despite all odds, I winced at the tone of Schlatt's voice. It sounded weak and scratchy. Like he'd been drinking.

I still hadn't had time to talk to Quackity about the bruise on his face. However, his reluctance to speak all but confirmed it was the tyrannical president who'd inflicted the damage.

"I reckon our nation needs to expand!" The suited man raised his arms in triumph, leading up to a big point. And I didn't like where it was going. Tubbo was also stood with an uneasy expression from next to me. It stung that the brunette had so quickly replaced me as Schlatt's right hand man. But in some ways it was a blessing. It gave me more freedom to investigate the thought process of the citizens of L'manberg, something I longed to do. If I couldn't join Wilbur, Tommy and Techno in their exile, I'd help them from L'manberg.

"The tyrants who came before us have done this country a great disservice." I clenched my fist. Tommy and Wilbur were not perfect. But they were far from tyrants.

"I reckon..." Schlatt trailed off voice low, "I reckon, we take down the walls."

There was uproar. Quackity played his part perfectly, the model Vice President, smiling blankly and congratulating the man on his new decree. Tubbo was frozen in shock, struggling to process. In the crowd, Nikki and Eret were screaming protests and firing insults. Fundy was silent. He was always silent. I'd yet to figure out what motive Wilbur's son had to work with Schlatt. I wondered at first if it was mere formality, but I sensed something more. Maybe he was like me, so desperate for approval from Wilbur he had to make a choice that stood him out.

I cast a look at the Blackstone edgings of our nation. Eret had built those before the war. Before his betrayal, before independence. They were our beginning. People may have pushed against the decree now, but I knew the walls  would be coming down by the end of the day. Schlatt's words to be had rang true. There was no honour here. They didn't care to the point they'd actually go against Schlatt fully.

I closed my eyes, letting a stray gasp of sadness leave my mouth at the thought. This nation was my legacy. And I was losing my grip on it.

When I reopened my eyelids, I was staring up at Eret's tower to be greeted with an unusual sight. Perched atop the andesite structure were Tommy and Wilbur, listening down from their perch above. They'd snuck into L'manberg to hear the declaration. I didn't have to be a genius to figure they didn't like it.

Wilbur was glaring at the new President, the look of rage that I knew meant trouble in his eyes. Tommy was staring at me. I couldn't react, not wanting to draw attention to the two, but I let my gaze drag up further until green eyes locked with blue, the light reflecting off his beautiful irises. I'd never noticed what a striking colour they were before.

I let the moment pass as we were escorted off the stage, handed pickaxes on our way down. This was really happening. Schlatt grinned particularly happily in my direction as his hand found my forearm, steering me down the steps. He broke away for a blissful moment to talk to Tubbo.

That's when I confronted Quackity.

"Quackity, if Schlatt has hurt you in anyway, please, you need to tell me, I want to help you." I whispered lowly to the man.

"It's nothing, I swear."

"Please!" I implored. I had to know he was okay.

"Fine," His voice broke, "A few days ago, I needed his approval on something so I went to his office. He'd been drinking, he's been doing that a lot lately, and I guess he didn't want to be interrupted." The Vice President explained quietly.

"Oh my god..." I wasn't sure how to respond. Schlatt promised me if I played my part and stuck by him he wouldn't hurt my friends. It seemed he had forgotten.

"Please, don't do anything stupid, Felicity. I know you, and I know you'll take this to heart and be reckless. Please, I can work this out on my own." I thought for a moment before nodding. This is what he wanted. As long as nothing got worse I'd comply.

"Alright people, get to work, I want these monstrosities gone by first light!" Schlatt called out, gesturing to the walls. I sighed, cutting short my conversation with Quackity.

I grabbed my pickaxe sullenly, following the citizens of L'manberg suite as we chipped away at the walls that protected us. What must Tommy think of me now? Breaking the walls that we built a nation in together. Where we cemented our friendship, spending sleepless nights out on the grass, gazing at the stars and enjoying each other's company. Would I ever get those moments again?

In a final act of defiance to Schlatt, I began to sing.

"Well I heard there was a special place
Where men could go and emancipate
The brutality and tyranny of their rulers." No one joined in with me, the breaking of stone my only accompaniment.

"Well this place is real, we needn't fret
With Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret." I winced at the last part, thinking of all he'd done for me on the night of the election.

"It's a very big place not blown up, L'manberg." I was doing this for Tommy. For Tubbo. For Wilbur, Fundy, Nikki and Quackity. I sang for them.

"My L'manberg." Would this country ever be finished?

"My L'manberg." I caught Tubbo's eye, sparkling with tears as my voice reach the climax.

"My L'manberg." As I finished, I swear I heard the voices of a familiar blonde and ex-president on the wind.

"My L'manberg."

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓽 ~ (𝓣𝓸𝓶𝓶𝔂𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓽 𝔁 𝓞𝓒) DISCONTINUED :(Where stories live. Discover now