Chapter 39|| "You promised me."

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I opened the front door. Alex, Reggie and Luke sat on the couch with their heads down. I looked at them all confused as one by one their heads up looked towards me. Each one just as red eyed and hurt as the next. Luke stood up as he pointed his finger at me.

"You promised me Aliyah."

"You said you wouldn't leave."

In that moment I could barely speak my throat closed in and I felt like I couldn't breathe my eyes just gazed at them while unresponsive. I had to say something but physically my body wouldn't let me. I felt hot tears welling in my eyes as each boy stood up leaving the room only Alex remained.

"I was really rooting for you. I really was Aliyah." Alex left leaving behind his fanny pack

I yelled for him telling him he left it but he couldn't hear me. I ran after him, but I wasn't fast enough to reach him in time. I hid behind a corner as I watched something poses Alex. The same purple mist from before. I held my hand to my mouth as I tried to keep quiet.

He shook his body as his neck cracked. He sighed for a moment.

"Man it's good to be back.."

"You can come out now Aliyah.. don't be afraid." Caleb said through his possession of Alex

I walked around the corner making iContact contact with him as fear consumed me.

He clasped his hands together smiling at me

"Well hello!.. you didn't think I was gone did you?"

I shook my head

"There's no getting me."  He tapped my nose walking away

"Alex hurry up." Luke yelled

He coughed shifting to Alex's voice


He waved to me

"See you soon Aliyah."

The car door closed and they drove off leaving me behind. How am I supposed to get Alex back while trying to get them to trust me. They won't believe me?

End of p.o.v

Luke's p.o.v
After all we've been through I can't believe she would quit the band. I understand her deal with her mom. But dude come on!

Was it me?
Did I drive her out?
Was it Ricky's idea ?

I gripped the wheel in frustration but I swerved a little.

"Hey watch it!" Someone yelled at me from another car

I pulled back and turned into the parking lot of a coffee shop. I need to cool down before I crash.

I dragged the boys inside and sat down.

"Um two Chai lattes and a hot coco." I said to the waitress

She stepped away and announced an act for the open mic. Drawing my attention to the stage.

" Next up, Nina Roberts."

She sat down at the piano tucking her dress under her. Lifting a page and flipping it to her lyrics.

"Hi." She said as the mic caught feedback forcing a high pitch noise to echo

I held my ears for a moment until it stopped

"I'm Nini, and this is my song."

"My hesitation and holding my breath."

"I led you into the garden of my loneliness."

"Wish that you left before it all burnt down."

"Oh, Julia."

The way her words fell so deeply into the crowd. Her control. Everything about her was just so angelic. We need her.

I waited till she was done

I walked up introducing myself

"Hey I'm Luke. This is Reggie and Alex."

"Hi Reggie I'm Reggie." He nervously smiled

"Hi how ya doing." Alex replied

She smiled tucking her notebook in a backpack

I saw the note on the red cover

"Ricky Bowen :)"

"Ahh I see now."

"You're Richards ex."

She shook her head

"That's me.."  she shrugged

"Listen I've got an offer. We've got this band and..."

She cut me off

"I'm not really into singing with other people."

"This was more of a dare myself to do it type things."

I followed her as she walked outside towards her car

"Here just think about it okay? Here's my number."

I passed her a small note with my jotted hand writing on it

"No promise." She replied as she got in her car and drove away

"I think we just found our new Ali."

End of p.o.v

Calebs p.o.v
I just found my new way into stealing your powers...

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