Chapter 57|| "My person"

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Luke's p.o.v
I was passed out for a few hours until I felt Ali moving. I opened my eyes as she tossed and turned. I sighed for a moment. This shouldn't of happened to her. She's too nice for this to happen. I should've been there.

She settled turning her face toward me. But her  movement continued again after a few minutes. She started to murmur in her sleep. I leaned my head on my palm as I watched over her.

"No please, please don't leave.."

"Who's leaving Ali." I asked wondering if she'd respond

"I can't do this without you Luke."

"What can't you do?" I asked again

She placed her hand on my chest with her eyes closed.

"I need to know if you're in love with her."

"because if you are, I'll let go even if I don't want to."

I felt my heart fall through my chest. I rubbed her shoulder to wake her up. Her eyes opened slightly as she rubbed them.

"Aliyah?" I said as she nodded coming out of her sleep

I hesitated for a moment

Not right now, this isn't the right moment

I kissed her forehead softly

"You were having a nightmare, you okay?" I asked

She nodded

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." She nuzzled her head into my chest as she fell back asleep

End of p.o.v


I woke up with a pounding headache. I rubbed my eyes and tapped the side of the bed Luke was on. But he wasn't there. I looked around but he was nowhere to be seen.

I dropped my head into my pillow.

Damn it

I can barely remember last night. I lifted my blanket and slipped out of bed. I threw on Luke's hoodie and made my way downstairs. I held tightly to the banister looking around.

Alex was asleep on the couch cuddling Willie. I peered into the kitchen to see a note written on our chalk board of reminders.

"Headed out I'll be back princess." - Luke

I smiled, Julie followed behind me. Her eyes shifted between me and the board. Then to the floor.

"How you feeling?" She asked as she looked through the pantry

"I'm okay, I don't remember much though."

Her eyes widened slightly

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"I saw you and Luke together, and Derik brought me upstairs to sleep."

She got quiet for a moment, she hesitated to continue.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked

"Luke found you and we took you home, the punch was really strong."

I nodded

Julies p.o.v
I can't believe I just met her and totally lied..
It's for her own protection. I know I couldn't handle hearing about something like that.

Maybe let Luke tell her?

I'm not even sure if it'll help coming from him.

You can't just not tell her

She's not ready.. I can't just drop that on her

End of p.o.v

The front door opened slowly. Luke's head peaked through the crevice with a box of donuts and coffee.

I smiled watching him trying to quietly walk upstairs in an effort to let everyone sleep. Julie and I sat on the counter watching him creep up the stairs.

She looked over to me for a moment.

"You really love him?"

I was surprised she'd even ask..

"I do, he's not like everyone else."

"He's just.."

"Luke." She said

"Yeah, he's Luke." I said twisting around the bead bracelet on my wrist

I hopped off the counter, walking slowly up the stairs. I opened the door to see Luke looking at the empty bed confused.

I tapped his shoulder


He turned around jumping as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into the bed.

"I hate you." He said

"You love me and you know it."

His cheeks flushed red as the space between our faces held tension.I smiled looking up from his lips and into his eyes.

"Aliyah.. I" Luke began before being cut off by Reggie rushing in

"I smelt the donuts where are they?" He asked searching the room for the box

I laughed to myself, this is my place.

Luke is my person

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