Chapter 67|| "A Favor."

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I backed away as her hand reached out towards my neck.

"If you get in the way trust me it won't be pretty." She said with her hand around my throat

I could feel the air leave my body as she gripped harder. How does someone like her have that much strength.

There's more to it than just Caleb

"Caleb, I destroyed you before I'll do it again" I said through gasps

She laughed at me

"Aww thats sweet, you think I'm him."

"You're sorely mistaken though."

My eyes widened

"Who the hell are you."

Before I could do anything else the back gate swung open. Luke lugged a large amp through with his back facing us.

Jess let go as she rushed to help him. Passing me with a deep glare. She's not normal, and she's not possessed by Caleb. So who the hell is she.

"Hey Alex, quick question for you."

"What's up?" He replied flipping his hat around

"Do you think you could get Willie to come by?"

"I've got a few- algebra questions."

He looked at me in confusion for a moment.

I love him to pieces but sometimes he needs to take a hint

His eyes widened

"Oh oh um- I think that's a conversation for you and your parents."

My eyes widened

"Oh my god- no not that!"

I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside. I just need his number that's all not for that purpose.

"Wait so Luke and you never-"

"No, but I'm sure he did with Jess." I said crossing my arms in annoyance

His eyebrow raised, he pulled up Willie's contact and sent it to my phone. I ran upstairs as my phone dialed his number.

"Hello?" His voice said hesitantly on the other end

"Hey, it's Ali I need a favor."

His voice hitched for a moment before answering

"What's up."

"Tell me everything you know about the Hollywood Ghost Club."

"W-why do you want to?"

"Just spill." I replied

"Basically when the head liner dies they get replaced."

"Usually with someone a lot more powerful, like Caleb."

"There was an performer before him named Darian."

"Darian saw Caleb as an easy power grab but mistook his power."

"Caleb killed Darian through the stamp, then Caleb became the new owner." He said

"But what about now, there's no owner." I asked

"Last time I checked Caleb was only shadowing the band. But he was looking into someone else a while ago."

"At least that's what I heard from the older non lifers." He replied

I could hear he was lying something is up

"What aren't you telling me." I asked

"I told you everything- I ..." he started to stumble on his words

"I need to know." I replied

"Just don't tell Alex, I don't want him worried okay?" He said as I agreed

"There was a girl. She died just before the band."

"Caleb took her on as a performer but soon enough she got too powerful."

"He drained her with the stamp and left her as one of the dancers on the line for our shows"

"What was her name?" I asked

"She went by Roxanne."

Authors note;
(If you want full context on roxanne check out unpredictable chapter 5. Unpredictable is the story of Luke and the band in 1994. Just before their deaths. It provides a little more context on Jess and Roxanne.)

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