Chapter 71|| "Live and Let Die"

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  I stood in the corner of the principals office, my heart in my throat. I was worried more than anything. Why would I be called up to the office.
I tapped my fingers against the cold medal chair.

  The door opened as a head popped in to assure I had stayed.

"Oh good you're here!" Ricky's mom said

"Hi Ms.Bowen" I replied

Her long blonde hair swung back and fourth as she walked to the desk I sat in front of. She pulled a few files out.

"I wanted to talk to you today about your friend."

I scoffed


"Lorenzo?" She questioned

I nodded my head

"What about Enzo." I asked

"Well, you know I see you as one of my own Ali."

"You may be one of my students but personally I see you as family."

"Family looks out for family Ali. So here I am looking out for you."

"There's some things you should know.. about Enzo. You didn't get this from me".

She slid the file towards my hands, I picked it up stuffing it in my bag. I began to stand up pushing off the metal chair to gain balance.

"One more thing."

I looked up at her for a moment

"Don't stress about that Patterson boy."

I nodded my head walking out. I made my way to class with my tardy note in hand. I'm sure this will look great for everyone to see me being friends with the principal.

I sat through English with the file in my textbook. Pretending to read some piece about The Great Gatsby. But in reality I had been reading Enzo's record. This thing is so long. How can someone rack up such a problem spree.

Majority of these problems deal with anger management, and fights. But why is he getting into fights at a school in Brooklyn. Now that I think of it most of these records aren't even in California. They're spaced out a few months but always in a different place.

Assault in Brooklyn
Theft in Connecticut
Fight in New Jersey

But no record of violence here. Maybe his last chance before a military send off? Maybe someone smacked some sense into his head. I read his name over and over in a way of disbelief

Lorenzo S. Varenaldo

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"You know you become more and more intriguing Ali."

"Stealing from the principal now? I wonder how she would feel about that." Jess snickered from behind me

Quickly raising her hand to try and bail me into a new problem. I stuffed the file into my booklet. And pretended to be sick. I walked up to the front of the class acting as though I was going to puke.

"Can I go home I don't feel well."

I stumbled out of the classroom clutching my bag. But the second I was out of view I walked fine.

"Quite the actress you are Peters." Lorenzo said with a devilish grin

"Anything to get me out of there."

He walked closer as his shoulder pressed against mine while we walked.

"You know Enzo."

"You never told me why you came here."

"Or where you're even from." I questioned

He backed away a little in hesitation.

"Mind if we ditch?" He asked

"Not at all" I replied

He pressed the door against the wall holding it open for me to walk out. We walked a few streets down from the school and into the main part of town.

"I have trouble making a good start for myself."

"I've gotten a lot of new fresh starts but everytime. Something goes wrong"

"I came here to figure out a family problem. My mom doesn't realize it but I know I'm close to something."

"What are you close to?" I asked

"Finding my father." He replied

"He disappeared, a long time ago. He didn't know I existed."

"The day my mother called to tell him, was the day he didn't answer."

I interlaced my fingers with his pulling him into a hug. I felt horrible. I can't imagine not knowing. Let alone never experiencing the memories with him. I gave him a small smile trying to help get him off the topic.

" I've been researching it for the longest time. I know he had to of ended up here somehow."

"At least according to the phone company, that's where his last service was." He said

He fumbled in his pockets for his phone pulling out a flip phone.

"This was left in his apartment. He never came back for it." Enzo said

"How do you know it's his ?" I asked

Enzo powered the phone in and showed me the phones photo gallery. Opening a picture of his father. A face I had already known too well. That's what made Enzo so interesting and so drawing to me.

Of course you'd have to be his son.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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