Chapter 27|| " I need a distraction."

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I opened my eyes shooting up from the bed. My face covered in tears.

"Woah calm down." Ricky said putting his hand on my thigh

"You okay?" He asked

"Where am I, what happened."
I asked frantically

"You passed out while we were walking home. I brought you here."

"You were talking in your sleep, something about dying. Then you woke up."

He looked at me with worry in his eyes

"Aliyah have you been eating?" He asked

I shook my head, I've been stressed I just forgot..He gave me a sympathetic smile as he rubbed his hand on my shoulder gently.

"How about we go get Mels?" I looked at him confused

"It's a diner." He replied

I nodded, I stepped out of his bed . He tossed me a Tshirt of his and some basketball shorts.

"Just in case you wanna shower before we go."

I nodded, going into the bathroom. I showered quickly and hopped out. Changing into his clothes. His over sized tshirt fitting me. Landing just above my knees.

I walked out of the bathroom as he smiled at me.

"You look beautiful." He said as I blushed

He took my hand and spun me around. I stumbled into him.

Great going clumsy

I placed both my hands on his chest as I looked up at him.


"Hi." I replied

The eye contact remained
He placed his hand on my hip and the other on my cheek. The room was quiet, the only sound remaining was our heart beats.

He leaned in closing the gap. Our lips interlocked. Leaving them bright pink. Each kiss growing more affectionate. I began to pull away. Smiling to myself. But he placed his hand on my chin pulling me back in for one last kiss.

We parted, and it was more than perfect. I couldn't help but blush.

"You ready to go yellow." He said

yellow? That's a new one

"Yeah of course." I said smiling

We walked out of his house as I began to shiver.

"Is it okay if I run to my house for leggings ?" I asked

"Go for it I'll wait here." He said

I ran back to my house. Opening the front door, and running up to my room. Luke laid on the bed throwing a ball at the ceiling.

"Hey!" He said rolling over hopping off the bed

"Where've you been? I haven't seen you since this afternoon ?"

" Did you find Caleb?" He asked

It wasn't a dream ..

Caleb is still out there

"No I didn't find him." I replied

Part of me wanted to ignore Luke. I'd just kissed Ricky. If I kept talking I'd let it out at some point.

But Luke kissed nini

But he was also possessed

Playing two games at once isn't working out is it?

Not at all...

If I don't figure this out soon it's going to blow up in my face.. and just like that I felt his breath on my neck.

"Hey princess..?" He said pinning me against the wall

"Who's shirt is that.., and why isn't it on the floor." He asked

I felt my face get red

I know he did not just..

"Um.. well..."

I could barley get a word out

But five seconds ago I was perfectly fine

Come on Patterson why do you do this to me

"Come on Ali, you know I couldn't lie to you."

Distraction I need a distraction

" So be honest with m-"

I cut him off. I gripped the loop of his jeans pulling him in to me. I placed my hand on his neck as I kissed his lips. I swear the English language left him. All I heard was syllables and the occasional.

"Aliyah I really like you."

He slid his hand down my back dropping me onto my bed.

"Aliyah." He said as he placed his hand over me  while the other traced my tshirt.

"There's something I need to tell you."

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