Chapter 61||"All Things Karate."

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Well now I know how he felt..

I leaned my head against the wall. Why didn't I just tell Eli. All it took was an

"Hey I'm in a thing right now."


I swear I just wanna punch something. Every-time, every-time it starts to go right with Luke. Something goes wrong. I don't even know how to explain this one. And I don't even like Eli.

Uh huh.. sure

Great even my subconscious doubts me..I stepped away from the wall grabbing my phone off the counter.

I texted Eli "Be there soon" and began my search for Luke. I checked the front yard but nothing was there. I circled around back and into the side yard. A small chair swing sat by the entrance.

Luke sat inside of the swing as it rocked him back and fourth. His eyes were puffy as his pupils dilated. I exhaled for a moment before approaching him.

Give him time to process Ali..

But if I give him too much time he'll leave

That's his choice to make

I peaked over the door once more to look at him one last time.

"I don't understand how I could've been so stupid mom." He said as I realized he was on the phone

I leaned into the gate to listen

"I'm sure it's not what you think Luke."

"I've seen the way she is with you."

"I don't think she'd just change in a day." Emily said

This is personal I should go

I backed away from the gate and got into the car. I drove to the roller rank, I pushed the heavy front doors open to see disco lights bouncing off walls.

A familiar voice shouted towards me. My gaze pointed in his direction as our eyes locked.


I gave him a short smile as he hugged me tightly. His hair was different this time. He hadn't style it in a mow-hawk. His outfit was more formal ish.

The hug seemed to last forever.

"Man you smell good."

Oh no. No no no I've made it weird. I didn't even mean to say it. Damn it Aliyah.

He smiled at me

"Thanks princess." He said as he put his hand on my back to lead me over to the group

I found my skate size and sat down at the bench next to Eli. He tied his skates, then kneeled down in front of me to help tie mine. 

Miguel ran past him to tag another kid in the game they were playing. Miguel bumped Eli causing him to lean foreword and grip my thigh with his hand.

I felt my face flush red as he hadn't realized what had occurred. He looked back at me then at his hand.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." He said quickly apologizing

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