Chapter 31

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"The only way I can stop hurting is if I forget about you."

Suddenly, Bom looked out of the window to see V staring at her. Her face grew red and hot as she made eye contact with V. V immediately looked away, his face turning crimson red as well. With shifting eyes, he walked towards her matchmaking shop, his heart palpitating wildly.
Bom let down her hair and hurriedly swept her shirt and redid her makeup before sitting on the couch, looking nonchalant despite her racing heart. There was an awkward silence between them before Bom asked,

"What are you doing here? Do you want more dating advice?"

She asked monotonously, keeping a straight face. V just gave her a sheepish smile.

"No, I was just bored so I came to talk to you,"

Bom, feeling annoyed, asked,

"Don't you have friends? Why would you talk to your matchmaker if you're bored? In fact, you're already dating Hyojoo! Just talk to her!"

Instead of pestering me and causing me to fall harder for you. Bom thought, trying hard to fight back the tears that were welling up in her eyes. V, not noticing anything off, just giggled a bit, a childish smile evident on his face as he replied,

"Hyojoo's a bit busy and I don't have many friends so, I came to hang with you!"

Then, he hooked arms with her, smiling brightly. Bom's heart flipped as she tried to stop the teardrops that were threatening to fall before pushing him away. Annoyed, she yelled,

"Stop it! Can't you tell? I don't want to 'hang' with you! I'm your matchmaker! Go to your girlfriend instead!"

With that, she stood up with her head hanging low. She refused to make eye contact with V as she pointed to the door, tears trickling down her vermillion cheeks. With a shaky and soft voice, she said,

"Leave, please."

V, not knowing why she was so upset, stood up as well. He walked towards her, trying to grab her hand when she took another step back.

"Listen, I-"


Bom lashed out at him. She wiped her tears away as her body started to quiver. However, V stood rooted to the ground, adamant to stay.

"Fine, if you won't leave, I will,"

Bom muttered with a quivering voice. Keeping her head down, she grabbed her coat and wore it before opening the entrance door and leaving, slamming the door shut. Left alone in the matchmaking shop that once felt bright, cheerful and filled with euphoria was V. The shop now felt cold, distant and empty. The flowers that once bloomed in the shop all looked wilted. 

Just like Bom.

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