Chapter 11

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"My heart never learnt gymnastics but it seems to do flips everytime it sees you."

Bom's eyes fluttered open as she wiped off the tears that trickled down her temples when she laid in the couch in her shop, sleeping. The image of her mother resurfaced in her mind as she covered her face and scrunched into a ball, balling her eyes out. She missed her mother a lot but she was also confused as to why she suddenly dreamt of that scene.
She felt a sharp pang in her heart as she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down as she looked up at the ceiling, trying to prevent the tears from rolling down her cheeks. She tried so hard not to be reminded by her mother so that she would get over her mother's death but this shop itself is a reminder of her. 
As soon as Bom managed to calm herself down, V burst into her shop with panic sprawled all across his face. His eyes and nose were both red and swollen as if he had been crying for a while. Bom, surprised, wiped her eyes dry and blinked a few times and acted nonchalant.

"How did your date go?"

"She had a pet allergy... I didn't know and she-"

Bom face palmed. 

"She broke out into an allergic reaction. But! I did follow most of your advice! I wore a suit to the pet shelter and arrived 25 minutes earlier!"

V said excitedly as Bom face palmed once again and sighed, making sure her sigh could be heard loud and clear. V's smile faded away as he started to look visibly concerned by Bom's negative reaction.

"I know I didn't compliment her or ask questions about he-"

"Why would you wear a suit to a pet shelter?! Who in their sane mind would go and wait outside a pet shelter in a suit for 25 minutes?! Especially in this heat!"

Bom yelled in an utmost frenzy as she ran her hand through her hair, messing up her bangs. For a second, V could feel his heart do a little somersault as his eyes were glued onto her.

"When I said dress well, it doesn't mean dress in a suit! Dress appropriately for the occasion and look good in what you're wearing! And arrive 5 minutes earlier, not 25!"

Bom yelled once again but when she looked back at V, he seemed dazed. His gaze had lost focus as he just stared blankly at her. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"You know what, ask her out on another date as an apology, I'll be undercover and give you advice along the way."

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