Chapter 17

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"The only thing I'm catching right now, is feelings."

Grabbing tightly onto the wooden bar was Bom as the boat slowly made its way up to the highest part of the waterfall. A part of her was a afraid and horrified while another part of her enjoyed the adrenaline rush and exhilaration.
The smile spread across her face grew wider as the boat slowly tilted and in a split second, the boat plunged down the waterfall. Bom's grip tightened as she let out a scream of joy. V who noticed her excitement also noticed the splash the boat was about to make when it lands.
As the boat landed, Bom's body scrunched up as she tried to use her arms to block the splashes. However, with quick reflexes, V took off his jacket and used it to cover Bom from the water splashes as the boat landed. Bom's eyes grew wide as she looked up, making eye contact with V.
Her heart was racing and suddenly, the refreshing feeling of the water droplets on her skin melted away and she suddenly felt hot. Her face was beet red as she felt as if her stomach had the entire zoo in it. Nonchalantly, V folded his jacket and held onto it without saying a word.
Soon, both Bom and V alighted from the water ride without speaking to one another. The awkward silence loomed in the air until Bom cleared her throat, deciding that it was way too awkward for her to remain in the same spot as V.

"I'll go get cotton candy. Wait for me at the bench,"

She muttered, pointing at the bench before running like a fool towards the cotton candy cart. V smiled as he watched her flail her arms wildly as she ran. He muttered, sitting down on the bench with a big grin,

"What a fool,"

Soon, they were both sitting on the bench as Bom devoured the cotton candy in delight. However, she could feel V's eyes on her.

"You want one?"

She asked with her hazel brown eyes sparkling as she took a piece of cotton candy and handed it out to V. Seeing her pink apple cheeks puff up as she smiled, V took a piece.

"I haven't been here since..."

Bom stopped, tears welling up in her eyes as V turned his head to look at Bom, curious as to why she stopped talking.

"Since my mom passed,"

She muttered, lowering her head as her eyes fixated on the ground. V felt a stab in his heart and without thinking, he put his arms around her and hugged her. Bom froze as she dropped the cotton candy onto the ground. Her heart was racing again.
Bom had noticed her constant nervousness when around V today. As a matchmaker, if she didn't notice these symptoms, she wouldn't be a matchmaker. Without a doubt in her mind, she knew what was happening to her.

She was catching feelings.

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