Team 10 and Team 8

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Hey everyone, it's me. I know that you probably all hate me now because I haven't updated in so long. I have a few reasons for my absence on all my stories. I am actually writing a novel at the moment so that has been consuming most of my time. You can also blame Heartbreaker36 since she has been making me write her "perfect love story". Another big reason I haven't updated is because I have just lost inspiration for all of my stories. I have also kind of fallen out of the Naruto fandom. I am really into anime like SAO OR Fairy Tail at the moment, I even started writing a new Fairy Tail fanfic. I also have majors writers block. The good news is that I have a lot of stories I am working on behind the scenes for you guys. My biggest reason for my absence is because I have temporarily moved to Quotev. Every time I turned around, Wattpad would delete all my stories. So I guess you could say I have been on strike. Here's the story for you all! I have an important matter to discuss with you at the bottom of this chapter so be sure to read that.


"Pineapple, are we there yet?" Emiko asked impatiently, causing said boy to groan.

"You are worse then your brother." Shikamaru stated simply, earning a slap in the back of the head from the blonde on his back.

"What is wrong with my brother?" Emiko asked while glaring at the back of Shikamaru's head.

"It's simple really, you are both annoying." He said, ignoring the scowl poor Naruto was giving him. Emiko giggled slightly at her brother's insulted expression.

"I am not that annoying." Emiko said, letting her smile drop into a pout. The 'Pineapple' groaned in annoyance.

"Yes you are, now shut up or I will drop you." He said in an annoyed tone. The blonde girl just gave up and snuggled into his back further, ignoring the conversation that him and Naruto were having.

They kept walking through the village at a slow pace, but Emiko didn't really mind. She got to see all the new sights with her own eyes and not in her brothers head. They were almost to the restaurant when a small puppy ran up to them.

"Hey Akamaru!" Naruto said with a large smile on his face as he leaned down to pet the small puppy. His twin blinked her eyes a few times before jumping off of Shikamaru's back and grabbing the Akamaru. She began snuggling it, causing the two boys to roll their eyes. She glared at them both before returning to snuggle the poor defenseless puppy. A kid came running up with red triangles on his cheeks.

"Who is that and why is she strangling Akamaru?!" He shouted out in concern, gripping the side of his head in panic. Emiko stood up and placed a small kiss on the puppy's head before putting him back on dog boy's head.

"I'm Emiko Uzumaki, believe it!" She exclaimed with a wolfish grin. The boy blinked a few times and then sniffed the air surrounding her.

"You do smell like him." He said as he examined the small girl. She growled at him and pointed an accusing finger at him.

"I take offense to that!" She said, crossing her arms and sticking her nose up in the air. He just laughed at her.

"I didn't mean it like that!" He laughed, clutching his belly. Emiko's cheeks turned red from embarrassment, so she ducked behind the pineapple. He started mumbling about how this was 'such a drag'.

The pigtail clad girl looked around aimlessly until her eyes landed on a weird hooded guy and purple haired girl coming up the street. Emiko took off running and glomped the small girl, causing both to fall to the ground. The poor girl started stuttering uncontrollably.

"Why are you all red?" The blonde girl asked in concern, placing a hand on her head to feel her temperature. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at the girl apologetically.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I thought you were N-Naruto-kun." She stuttered out. Emiko gave her a knowing look before pulling her up. She hugged her tightly.

"I dub you my new best friend!" She said cheerily. The bug boy glanced at her.

"You don't even know her name, let alone any of our names." He stated with an obvious tone. The blonde blinked a few times.

"I know your names!" She said happily. She pointed at Shikamaru first and made her way down to the Uchiha wannabe, dubbing all except the shy girl with weird nicknames. Pineapple, Muttface, Puppy, and Bug Boy. She turned to the quiet girl beside her, lending her hand.

"What's your name?" She asked with a closed eye smile.

"H-Hinata." She answered meekly, playing with her thumbs. She pinched her cheeks together and started fangirling.

"You are so cute!" She exclaimed loudly, causing the poor girl to turn red yet again.

She was cut off from her fangirling as Shikamaru pulled her away, dragging her into the restaurant by her collar. She kept struggling even as the spiky haired boy threw her into one of the seats. She turned to cuss him out when she noticed two pairs of eyes on her. A girl with blonde hair and teal eyes and a chubby brunette boy. The female went to open her mouth when Shikamaru put his hand over hers and explained the whole situation.

Emiko pulled Hinata to sit next to her and latched herself onto her. Kiba, Shino, and Naruto eventually made their way in and took a seat, Naruto sitting on the other side of his sister. Emiko knew who most of the people were from Naruto's memory, but they looked different. It was pretty quiet until Emiko spoke up, pointing at Choji.

"Why are so f-" She was cut off as Naruto, Ino, and Shikamaru all lunged at her and covered her mouth. The chubby boy had a deadly aura around him.

"What was that?" He asked, venom dripping off of his tone. Naruto waved it off.

"She didn't mean it, she's new around here." He said with a slightly scared look. Choji's face turned back to happy go lucky.

"Oh okay then, I'll let it slide this once." He said before going back to chowing down on meat. The trio let out a breath of relief, before returning to their seats. Emiko had an unamused look.

"You know you were suffocating me." She stated nonchalantly. Shikamaru and Ino just glared at her, causing her to start anime crying.

"I thought you liked me!" She wailed, pointing at Shikamaru. He could tell it was pretty fake, but went and hugged the girl anyway so she wouldn't cause a scene in such a public place. Her frown was quickly replaced with her usual smile as she squeezed him back.

"Yay! You're my second favorite person again!" She said, before turning her attention back to Hinata and hugging her. She was making it very clear who her favorite person was.

They kept talking all through the meal, ignoring most of Emiko's side comments. The blonde girl was preoccupied at the moment, fighting Choji for the last piece of meat. Pineapple sweatdropped, remembering how she had just eaten ramen before arriving here. Next thing you know, the mischievous girl was running out of the restaurant with the last piece of meat and Choji on her tail.

"I'm going to catch up with them because I taking her to meet Team 7 next." Naruto said as he waved at them and took off running towards the direction he last saw them.

"They are truly one of a kind." Shikamaru said before turning his attention back towards the group.


Here is the latest chapter you guys! I hoped you liked it. Now I want you guys to vote for who you want Emiko to end up with at the end of the series. I was originally going to go with Sasuke but I am having second thoughts. You can vote for anyone you want but my main choices are-'



-Shikamaru (Because everyone seems to ship them together on Quotev)

Let me know in the comments your opinion.

See you next time! :)

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