Ramen and the Knuckleheaded Ninja

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 Just so everyone knows, I am switching back to the original writing style I used. So no more P.O.V's. Let me know which one is better, I really need your opinion. I know that I haven't updated in a while, and for that I am sorry. I also have something big coming up that I have been working on, so stay tuned. Enjoy the next chapter!

Emiko clutched on tightly to Naruto's orange jacket as he ran down the street at ninja speed.

"Naruto, could you please slow down, I'm starting to feel weird." She said as her face began to turn into a slight green color. He stopped and looked at her closely.

"You're getting nauseous Emiko, sorry I'll slow down." He said and continued down the street at a much slower pace, much to Emiko's delight.

"Naruto, let's stop by your place first, I need to change." She said, causing Naruto to look at her weird.

"Why do you need to change?" He asked, causing Emiko to slap him upside the head.

"Because all I'm wearing is a pair of Ino's panties and one of her father's shirts!" She yelled in his ear, causing him to almost drop her.

"Geez, don't hurt me, I'll take you there." He mumbled under his breath, changing his directions towards his apartment. She held him tightly as he jumped the rooftops. Finally he made it to his apartment and opened the door, almost dropping his twin a second time. He walked in and dropped Emiko on the bed and walked over to his closet, pulling out an identical outfit to his.

"You really expect me to wear this?" She asked her brother incredulously.

"What's wrong with it?" He asked ignorantly, she pinched the bridge of her nose to keep her from exploding.

"Naruto, you're a boy and I am a girl. These won't look good on me." She said, seeing as the boy was still trying to figure out what was going on. She just sighed,

"Do you have any scissors?" She asked. He nodded his head and grabbed them from the desk across the room and handing them to her. He stood over her as she began to measure the outfit. She quickly grew annoyed and turned towards Naruto. She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and quickly jotted down a few things.

"Could you run to the store and pick me up a few things?" She asked in a sickeningly sweet voice. He quickly grew scared and grabbed the list from her hands, running out the door.

She quickly got to work, knowing the peace and quiet wouldn't last very long, and began cutting his pants so they were the length of shorts. She pulled them on, and changed into the black shirt that laid on the bed. She pulled the jacket, but had it only halfway zipped. It all actually fit pretty good, considering her body was pretty similar to her brother's. She wrapped a kunai pouch at the hem of shorts and tied her hair into high pigtails. She stood up on wobbly legs and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked pretty good! She turned around as she heard the door open. Naruto stood there and dropped the bag of groceries on the ground.

"What the hell did you do to my clothes!" He yelled, causing her to wince slightly. She quickly recuperated and shot him a sly smirk.

"These are my clothes now." She said in a mischievous voice. He just groaned and handed her the bag. Emiko gasped now realizing that Naruto was sporting a black eye.

"What happened to you? That wasn't there when you left!" She yelled at him, causing him to glare at her.

"Apparently, it didn't look very good for a boy to be shopping in the lingerie department." He grumbled. Emiko just laughed at him. 'Wow I wish I could have seen that one.' She thought to herself, smiling a bit. She just placed the bag on the bed before holding her arms out, her silent queue for Naruto to carry her. He leaned down a bit and let her jump on his back.

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