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 Quick A/N before I start this chapter off. I sat down to write this chapter, and I saw that I had over 500 reads!!! Thank you all so much! This is so awesome! Anyways, I had planned on releasing a batch of chapters, but couldn't find the time to even write one... That and I am lazy.:) I am also changing the story to be set in Emiko's P.O.V, instead of the way I've been writing it. Let me know what you think of the change and if I should continue writing it with P.O.Vs. I want everyone to vote and tell me who do you think will make a good potential love interest. I'm probably gonna go with Sasuke, but I want to know your opinion... Also, don't expect lovey dovey moments for a while, and honestly I am gonna drop a major spoiler right now. I already have the sequel planned out, so they won't get together till probably then. I mean, 12 years old is a little young to be smooching and hugging on people. Also check out my new story Gang Wars! Now, on with the story!


 Why does everything feel so... weird. I guess that's the only way to describe it. It felt tight, claustrophobic almost. Like I was slowly being suffocated, all the air leaving my lungs. OK that was a little over-dramatic. Cue sweat drop from Naruto... Wait, where is Naruto? I can't even sense his presence anymore, let alone hear him.

 "LET ME OUT TEME!" I screamed into the barren place of his mind, which is usually pretty barren anyways but that's besides the point. I sat down and crossed my legs, I'm on a stakeout damn it. I could hear small pats coming towards me. Were those footsteps? No couldn't be, I'm all alone up here. I started singing in a low drawled out voice. "I'm all alone, there's no one here beside me..."

 "Hello?" I heard a voice call out. My head shot up and I let out an ear splitting scream. Not cause I was scared or anything. I was trying to scare off whoever was invading my turf. I jumped up and looked around frantically, looking for a hiding spot as the footsteps neared my current location. As I looked around, it dawned on me I am stuck in my brothers head. It was a barren wasteland filled with nothing but thoughts of ramen and that pink haired chick. I could gag just thinking about it. Suddenly, I looked in front of me and saw a man with long blonde hair standing there. I put my hands in a fighting stance.

 "Don't come any closer, I'm armed." I said trying to sound intimidating, he just raised his eyebrow a little bit.

 "With what?" He asked when he saw I didn't have anything on me. I looked around trying to think of something, when I finally turned my head towards him with my hands on my hips.

 "My sarcasm." I said with a devious smirk, he just continued looking at me bored. Its seems he wasn't amused. I thought it was funny... Old people...

 "Who are you?" He asked, well more like demanded. I pulled the famous Uzumaki grin and got into a heroic pose.

 "I'M EMIKO UZUMAKI! BELIEVE IT!" I screamed... err... I mean, whispered, I would never try to deafen the elderly intentionally.(She says while tapping fingers together with a demonic laugh.) He just sweatdropped at my behavior.

 "You're definitely his sister." He said depressingly... What, can't handle another Uzumaki, old man?

 "What, and you had your doubts. Stupid blonde!" I said while laughing. Wait, I'm a blonde, thats means I just insulted myself. I stopped laughing immediately upon realizing that... And also the glare that he was sending me. I looked around for an escape before realizing again that I was stuck in my brothers head. I think his idiocy is rubbing off on me.

 "Do you want my help or not?" He asked, his patience wearing thin. I gave him a curious look.

 "What can you do to help me?" I asked, trying to sound sophisticated for a moment... Just give it a minute, I will make a fool of myself in a moment, just wait.

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