The Sand Spirit

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 She sighed heavily, her hand propping up her head as she stared into the darkness. Everything was completely silent and still, unlike the windy rollercoaster she had been experiencing recently. Three days, it had been three days since Naruto suddenly collapsed from exhaustion, his strenuous day catching up with him. This also inconvenienced a certain blonde girl inside his subconscious. She could hear muffled voices every now and then, but she couldn't place who's they were. Sadly, once Naruto was out, that limited what she could do until he woke up.

 Usually she would sleep, but she was finding that hard to come by ever since she walked around the real world. It was like she had an endless supply of energy just bursting at the seams, and there was nothing she could do to suppress it. She had tried everything to get her brother to wake up, from screaming her head off to literately bouncing off the walls. But nothing worked, even her beloved Kyubbi was growing tired of her needy antics, much to her dismay. She could hear another voice begin speaking, whether it was to Naruto's unconscious form or themselves, she didn't know. Though she could barely hear, she could definitely hear a huskiness to their voice, one that belonged to no other then Shikamaru. She smiled lightly, but then grimaced remembering she was stuck in here with no means of communication.

 She looked around her, watching as Naruto's dreams played around her. It was his normal ramen, but then somehow Pinky randomly showed up and started swooning over her orange clad brother. Gross. She felt disgusted having to watch this and made her way down to the chambers where she could hear the low snores of a sleeping fox. She tried to walk as quietly as she could as she made her way through the waters, silently approaching the cage and reaching a steady hand out, booping the fox on the nose. He scrunched up his nose and unconsciously brought a claw up to itch the 'phantom' scratch. She giggled to herself, attempting once more to wake him subtly before finally shouting loudly. He responded by reaching a large paw forward and flattening the girl beneath his grip, muttering something about how he was tired and not up for her games. She wiggled herself out, blowing her bangs from her face and fixing a harsh glare on the again peacefully sleeping fox. Apparently even Kurama needed rest after expelling that much chakra.

 She could feel the atmosphere begin to change around her, her brother's brainwaves finally admitting things that weren't of him smooching Sakura. He was finally waking up! She ran back almost gleefully, ecstatic that now she wasn't going to be alone for at least a little while. She could see his eyes begin to open, the Pineapple coming into view as he almost looked shocked to see that Naruto was awake. Naruto started to talk to him, before Emiko loudly yelled her greetings. Naruto squinted but laughed.

 "Emi says hi!" He said with his normal perky voice, Shikamaru staring at him with a blank look before offering a short hello and returning his attention back to the conversation at hand. She pouted, not liking the fact Shika didn't seem to want to talk to her. Oh well, at least she could annoy Naruto later. She eavesdropped on their conversation, having nothing else to do. Naruto started freaking out, realizing that the competition was tomorrow and that he had overslept.

 Then they decided to go mock Choji, who had ended up in the hospital because of indigestion. For some reason that didn't seem surprising. They had taken off down the hall, Emiko shaking her head in disbelief as she felt a headache coming on due to their constant moving. For some reason she had developed a weak stomach since she had a body, something she never had experienced before. She looked up to see they had made it into the room, Choji complaining how mean they were being. Emiko actually felt sorry for him, tuning them out. She was trying to concentrate on something else entirely. The aura around here, as happy and cruel as they were being, carried a dark undertone. She couldn't help but feel nauseous at the feeling. Whatever it was, it felt evil. 

 "Naruto, something doesn't feel right." She said, her hand clutching her shirt tightly as she could feel it seep into her soul. He stopped talking and repeated it to Shikamaru, who agreed that there was something wrong. They walked out and proceeded to look around, cautiously peering down the long hallways of the hospital. She swallowed the bile that rose in her throat and tried to shake off the nagging feeling not really sure why she was feeling these things to begin with. Finally, they made their way down to an open room, Lee's room and particular. A shadow possession justu was cast immediately by the Nara, the red haired boy looking back and grimacing at him. Emiko was frozen as she stared, watching as the sand had stopped, nearly suffocating Lee. She couldn't hear what they were saying, though her attention was brought back when he mentioned having a Sand Spirit in him. So he was a Jinchuriki like Naruto? She kept listening intently, hearing how much his father hated him and how he turned to killing. She could sense Naruto's fear radiating off of him, she could hear his disturbed thoughts. I could've ended up just like him.

 He stepped back in fear, Shikamaru looking back to see what was wrong. Naruto didn't respond, and the red haired killer used this distraction as a way to use his sand to try and attack both Shikamaru and Naruto. There was no way he should've been able to do, Shikamaru still had him bound. The sand came barreling towards them but Naruto didn't move, he couldn't move. Shikamaru yelled at him, Emiko doing the same from within his mind. Luckily, Gai sensei showed up and stopped the assault, though Emiko never thought she would ever be happy for the day he made one of his surprise appearances. The blonde haired used this time to try and wake up her brother, who finally started moving a little bit. The sand ninja left the room, promising that he would kill them all. Emiko bit her lip to prevent herself from yelling at him, knowing it would only affect poor Naruto. The eccentric sensei cleared them out, reminding them to be careful. Naruto was still a bit out of it, he didn't even hear Shikamaru bid his farewells, or notice him leave.

 He went back to his room and sat down, waiting to get the approval to leave. Of course they wanted to do extra tests on him, but he didn't argue. His mind was still racing after the events that had just unfolded, and time seemed to fly. Before they knew it, it had become dark and he was finally released. Both of them stayed silent as he wandered the lit streets, both of them trying to grasp a hold on what had happened, not to mention the added stress with the final competition being tomorrow.

 "Naruto, no matter what you think, you never would've ended up like that guy." She said, finally breaking the silence between them. He seemed surprised, as if he had forgotten what her voice had sounded like.

 "If I didn't have Iruka sensei or any of my friends, I could've chosen that path." He stated sadly and worried, making Emiko cringe hearing him like that.

 "No you wouldn't have, because you have a good heart." She said, her blue eyes shimmering. She felt like crying, because when that happened, Naruto started having flashbacks. She hadn't been there all those years ago, and she could never comfort him because he couldn't hear her. It devastated her to know, to remember all the pain he felt.

 "But you don't know that, I really could've chosen that path. We were so different, but we were practically identical." He said, his hands gripping the sleeves of his orange jumpsuit.

 "You may have things in common, but you are nothing alike. And I promise that no matter what happens, I will always be there for you." She said, her usual proud demeanor cracking before she quickly changed the subject.

 "Now let's go have fun! Isn't that what a festival is all about!" She yelled loudly, smiling as Naruto's sad demeanor turned into a happy one.

 "Alright, let's go have fun 'dattebayo!"


Alright guys, I know you all probably hate me, but hey, I got an update out!!! This summer I've been pretty busy writing other stories as well as my novel, and I spent the entire month of August in California! I got to see my favorite person and it was pretty cool. BTW, I'm an aunt!! My niece is so pretty and I have a really bad problem with buying her clothes... Welp, at least now I have an excuse as to why I'm broke! I had to watch some old Naruto episodes trying to remember what was going on, cause I was so lost. I will probably spend this weekend rewatching all of Naruto (original) so that way I'm not so confused. Naruto is finally coming to an end, which I never thought I would see the day. Also, isn't Himawari like the cutest thing ever! I will try to update more often, considering I have more inspiration again. Also I fixed up the cover, what do you think? I made a new cover for Gang Wars too, which I am really proud of. I published a new story which I really hope you read, its an original story too! It's called Tainted Love, and I'll put a link below.

I really hope you guys check it out, as well as my other stories. Also, this story is at like 35,000 reads, I am so happy! Also getting close to 200 followers. Thank you guys for your never ending support! Now for the question of the chapter,

 Q. What are your top 3 OTP's?
 A. NaLu or Jerza from Fairy Tail, Shirayuki and Zen from Snow White with the Red Hair, Kosei and Kaori from Your Lie In April... ItaDei is a close runner up though.

Let me know your answers in the comments, as well as what you thought about the chapter!
Thank you all for everything!

Until Next Time! :)

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