Hearing Voices

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Naruto walked down the streets of Konoha heading for his favorite restaurant, Ichiraku Ramen

"Are we there yet?" A cheery voice called out in his head.

"No Emiko...." The boy drawled out for the world to hear him. He thought that the only way for her to hear him was to speak out loud like he does the rest of the world. What he didn't know was that Emiko had 'accidently' forgotten to tell him that she could hear his thoughts.... but she loved to watch him make a fool out of himself. Isn't that what siblings are supposed to do?

Naruto slowly made his way to the restaurant, sitting down beside the Pinkette that was chatting away with Duck-butt.

"Sorry I was late, I got held up by some moron." He said mischievously, inconspicuously glaring at his reflection in the glass of water. Suddenly, he got a massive pain in the side of the head. He doubled over and started twitching like mad. One of the perks of being stuck inside his head; The Nervous System. She had access to all of his nerves, so if he ever ticked her off, one tweak and he was spazzing all over the place like an idiot.

After his little 'show', he excused himself quickly and walked a little ways away.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!" He screamed out, unaware of the fact his voice carried.

"That was for that moron comment when we all know damned good and well, it was your fault." She stated timidly, her anger seeping through.

"No it wasn't!" Naruto half-screamed at himself.

"It was too, you were the one that ran into Konohamaru and had to start upon your rivalries again." She stated before Naruto slumped in defeat.

"Don't look now, but we have an audience." Emiko said mischievously. He turned around to see an old lady with a video camera in hand, filming the whole ordeal. Naruto flushed from embarrassment and walked away quickly, leaving Emiko laughing. Lets rephrase that, laughing her ever-loving ass off.

Naruto made his way back to the table like nothing had happened at all, minus the fact he was still as red as a tomato.

"Whats wrong with you dobe?" Duck-Butt asked mockingly, causing Emikos anger to rise.

"Like you're one to talk freakin' emo boy, how bout we figure out what wrong with you instead." Emiko screamed inside Naruto's head, causing said blonde to clutch his head from the piercing headache he just received. Emiko continued her ranting (and trying to give Naruto a migraine) until she was satisfied, not caring no one else could hear her but the dying blonde she was stuck inside.

Wait a minute, was he dead!? She tweaked a couple of his nerves and watched him start twitching on the ground. Nope, he wasn't dead, for a minute she was actually worried that she had killed the kid. Whoops...

After a while he woke up. She wanted to eavesdrop a little bit more, but she grew quite lazy and decided to take a nap. What could hurt if she fell asleep just for a little bit.


She woke up slowly to see that they were in something gross, almost like they had been swallowed whole by something big....

"What the hell did you get yourself into this time?" Emiko asked with a hint of sarcasm dripping off her words.

"You're back! We've kinda been eaten by a giant snake..." Naruto drawled out the end of that sentence, causing Emiko to face-palm.

"You... Are.... A... Baka!" She yelled out with a bit of rage in her eyes.

"It wasn't my fault, you're the one that was sleeping for like a whole month when you could've helped." The stubborn boy said.

"Its not my fault I'm lazy, well maybe it is, but that's besides the point! I wouldn't have been much help anyway, I'm stuck in you're head remember?"

She said, enunciating the vowels in the last word making him sound like an idiot.

"Whatever, we need to figure out a way out of here." Naruto returned, hoping at least Emiko had some advice.

"Give me a second." She stated boredly before tuning out. She walked towards the cage where Kyuubi was, water splashing as her feet connected with the ground.

"Hey fox, how are we gonna get Naruto out of this one." She yelled at the fox who just looked at her confused.

"The kit finally decides to speak." He said bemused, causing said blondes eye to twitch.

"Now is not the time for games, Naruto is gonna be digested by a giant snake, any suggestions?" She asked with a curious look on her face.

"Why don't you two put you heads together and figure it out for yourselves?" He said, amused at his own joke.

"Fine, your no help at all!" She yelled and walked off, leaving behind an amused fox.

She stormed out through the halls, rage radiating off her. She wasn't very mellow, she was in fact very hotheaded.

"Hey moron, you're gonna have to figure this out for yourself." She said with a yawn, kicking back wanting to see how he got out of this one.

"Fine!" He yelled and began trying to figure out what to do, then finally he yelled, "SHADOW-CLONE JUTSU!"

Emiko sweat-dropped, this was his big plan? But suddenly, the snake burst open from pressure. He crawled out and was covered in guts and slime. If Emiko had a body of her own, she would've hurled. He took off further into the forest, until they came across Pinky and a spazzing Duck-Butt. There was also this freaking weird girl with a FREAKISHLY long tongue. A Creepy Pedo Snake Thing.

Suddenly, Naruto red chakra started acting up. He was attacking that giant snake like it was nothing. Emiko could barely see what was going on, his vision was clouded with red. But then, everything stopped. That snake lady was holding up Naruto and then she did something to his seal. Then they blacked out.

There is Chapter 2! I'm sorry if it sucks, its kinda rushed. Sorry I haven't been updating, I haven't been feeling well, but I will try to update this one again or my other story Unmasked by this Wednesday

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