Duck Butt, Cotton Candy, and a Scarecrow

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Hey guys! I haven't updated in a while. I have been working on my novel lately and haven't gotten around to writing for this one or Gang Wars. I also want to give a shout out to my two best friends on Wattpad, Heartbreaker36 and ForeverDreamer37! They are amazing writers and have some awesome fanfictions, so go check them out after you read this chapter! Also everyone, I have over 8K reads!!! I am so happy! Anyway, onto the next chappie!


The small girl leaned against the side of the building, curled up in a ball with the cutest pout on her face. She had a depressing aura surrounding her as she glared murderously at the scrap on her knee and the rock that had tripped her. She turned her head around as she heard someone shuffling over towards her, a shadow looming over her.

Standing in front of her was her dear brother, her blonde hair illuminated by the sunlight, giving it an almost heavenly glow. His eyes wandered over her sweating form, his blue eyes landing on her bleeding knee. He let out an amused scoff and shook his head, kneeling down beside her to examine her knee. He didn't have anything on him, so he just took over the wrappings holding his weapons pouch in place and wrapped it around her knee.

"How did you mess up your knee?" He asked with a chuckle, causing the stubborn girl to give him a glare. She began mumbling incoherent words under her breath, her face growing red from anger.

"How can that kid run so fast at his weight?" She said, raising her voice a bit so he could hear her.

"Because he is a shinobi! Remember, you are still getting used to your body." He said, helping her to her feet. She huffed lightly as he wrapped her arm around his neck to help her walk.

"We are still going to meet Scarecrow and the gang right?" She asked with puppy dog eyes, a slight begging look on her face. He gave her a confused look when she mentioned the name Scarecrow, not understanding her reference. She glared at his stupid looking face and sighed heavily.

"You know, Kakashi, Duckbutt, and Cotton Candy? Your head really is filled with only ramen huh?" She said as he glared at her before shaking his head and laughing at her childish behavior.

He began to walk down the street, practically dragging Emiko along with him as he made his way towards the training fields. He had a gut intuition that told him that they were there. They walked down the crowded streets, ignoring the curious gazes of the people they passed. Eventually they caught sight of the training field where they had taken the bell test.

Sure enough, there stood Team 7. Thy seemed completely ignorant of the two's presence, even though they stood only a few feet a way from them. Some ninjas they were. Emiko grew annoyed and impatiently tapped her foot on the ground, a low growl escaping form deep within her throat. They whipped their heads around, sweatdropping at the pair.

"Naruto, stop fooling around and get back to training." The silver haired sensei said, looking over at the short girl.

"I'm not fooling around Kakashi-sensei! Believe it!" The blonde moron exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air and effectively dropping Emiko, causing her to land harshly on her behind. Of course no one noticed though.

"Disband the shadow clone and do some actual training dobe." The duckbutt said with a sly smirk. This angered the pigtail clad girl stood up on wobbly legs, ignoring her aching knee, and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Do I look like a shadow clone to you? I am my own person. Me, myself, and I!" She yelled, her face red with anger. Her glared at her before letting his Sharingan swirl, eyeing her chakra system. He suddenly raised a kunai to her throat.

"Who are you? Why do you look so much like the dobe?" He demanded while glaring at her intensely, though she remained completely unaffected which seemed to piss him off a bit. She stared at him before getting a perky smile on her face, moving his kunai and placing her hands on her hands.

"I'm glad you asked. I am Emiko Uzumaki! Naruto's twin sister and the most amazing person you will ever meet! Believe it!" She exclaimed happily, causing Team 7 to sweatdrop at her sudden outburst. All of them except Scarecrow, who had a curious look on his face. Her expression changed quickly, from gleeful to filled with malice.

"I have a bone to pick with all of you for how you treat my brother." She said with a sadistic smile, before effectively punching Sakura and Kakashi on the back of the head. The silver haired copy cat ninja remained completely unaffected, while Sakura was whining like a baby.

She smiled victoriously at her work before turning her gaze towards the Uchiha. She growled at him and went to pounce, only to find herself suspended in the air by none other then Kakashi, who gave her the same plain look he always had. She looked around and saw Naruto explaining the situation to Sakura loudly while Sasuke smirked at her since she had failed her attack.

She wanted to wipe that smirk off of his face so bad, so she struggled against Kakashi's hold. She was flailing around in the air crazily, causing Naruto to crack up at her. She gave up and pouted, hugging her knees to her chest. The scarecrow placed her on the ground and patted her head in an attempt to comfort her. It didn't work very well.

"As much as I would love to get to know you, Sasuke has to get back to his training." Kakshi, giving her a closed eye smile. He grabbed Sasuke by his collar and with a wave, he had teleported them out of the field.

"I don't think they like me very much." She said, still pouting. Sakura had stopped talking with Naruto and kneeled in front of her, giving her genuine smile.

"I think you're cool." She told her and gave her a thumbs up. Emiko sat up and gave her a reassuring smile, before tackling her in a bone crushing hug.

"You're no Hinata, but you seem pretty cool!" The blonde said as she squeezed her tighter. She smiled as Sakura eventually returned the hug. Suddenly Emiko started to feel sick as she released the hug, rolling onto the ground and holding her pounding head.

She heard Naruto and Sakura talking as she was then hoisted onto Naruto's back. She nuzzled her nose into his shoulder, gazing in front of her as her brother said something to her that she couldn't quite hear. She looked around as Naruto ran through the village, a red headed boy catching her gaze.

He had raccon eyes and had a murderous glare on his face as he walked down the street with a blonde girl and what she could only describe as a neko boy. This seemed to intrigue her greatly but was soon distracted by her continuously pounding headache. She felt her eyelids become heavy, and she was slowly lulled into a deep sleep by her brothers heartbeat.


There is the latest chapter! I hope you all like it, again, I am sorry I didn't update sooner. Creativity flows at certain times and only for certain things.

Until Next Time! :)

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