Pervy Sage

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"NARUTO!!" Emiko screamed inside said boy's head, but there was no response.

It was like he couldn't hear her anymore. He had been acting this way ever since the Forest of Death, when that creepy lady touched his seal. To be honest, it was getting really lonely without the kid yelling at her. Even annoying Kurama was getting boring, if that was possible.

"Naruto, please talk to me, I'm bored!" She yelled out, but again to no avail. She let out a long sigh, before sitting down and looking out Naruto's eyes. At the present moment, Naruto was with this weird looking mega perv dude and attempting to walk on water. Key word 'attempting'. She looked around for a moment when something caught her eye. Mega perv dude had taken them to a Hot Spring? She also realized they were parked right outside the women's bathhouse. 'He's gonna turn my Naruto into a perv.' Emiko thought to herself, a sweat drop forming on the side of her head.

Suddenly this old man came out from beside the bathhouse, the women's to be exact. "is everyone perverts around here?" She said to herself. She quickly got bored and laid back, staring into the darkness. She heard some loud noises, but was too lazy to get up. Then she heard Naruto say something along the lines of 'You flattened my sensei'?

"I thought Kakashi was his sensei?" Emiko asked no one in particular, forgetting that Naruto was ignoring her. She perked her head up in interest and looked outside her 'prison'. Naruto was following the old man perv?! Rule one in avoiding being kidnapped by an old man pedophile; Don't follow the old man pedophile! Man, this kid could be an idiot at times. Naruto kept annoying the old man, it was actually quite amusing. He kept calling him 'Pervy Sage', which seemed to be ticking him off. Next thing she knew, he had jumped up on a bridge and began dancing around like a mad man. If Naruto could've seen the look on her face, he would've been rolling on the floor laughing. Apparently, his name was Jiraiya, the Toad Sage. 'He's still seems like a Pervy Sage to me.' Emiko thought to herself, yawning from laziness kicking in. A small nap wouldn't hurt right? But for some reason, she couldn't sleep.

"I can't sleep, WHATS WRONG WITH ME!" She yelled out, causing a certain fox to chuckle loudly. 'I guess I'll bug Kyuubi then.' She thought to herself, walking towards the chamber where he was kept.

"Something bothering you Kit?" He asked the blonde girl as she walked his way, the water seemingly higher then usual.

"Naruto's ignoring me and now I can't sleep." She said pouting slightly. The fox gave her a sorry look, he went to say something when the ground started shaking. Emiko was knocked off her feet and into the water below, soaking her from head-to-toe. She got up slowly, her face burning with rage. She bid the fox a subtle goodbye before storming off to her 'home theatre'. Naruto was trying to walk on water again, and he was failing miserably. Jiraiya called him over and told him to close his eyes.

'Damn...' Emiko thought to herself, now she couldn't see anything, so she sat back and waited. Suddenly, there was this weird feeling that overcame her. He was playing with the seal. She could feel Naruto tumbling backwards, causing herself to get dizzy and her head to spin.

"What the hell was that for you pervy old man!" Emiko raged on once she had overcome her dizziness.

"Emiko, you're back!" A happy voice called out, not caring that Jiraiya was giving him a weird look.

"I've been here this whole time you idiot!" She said, trying to keep angry but it was becoming increasingly hard.

"No, you just disappeared after that whole thing in the Forest of Death." He said, a lot louder then intended.

"Hey kid, who're you talking to?" Jiraiya asked the possibly mental kid that lay a few feet in front of him.

"I'm just talking to Emiko." He said as if it wasn't the strangest thing in the world. Emiko could've sworn she had seen him sweat drop.

"Who is Emiko?" The toad sage asked after regaining his composure.

"My twin sister." He said nonchalantly, earning him a kick in the skull from said girl. She grew an anime vein, he had just told a complete stranger of her existence. What an idiot.

"Where is your twin sister?" Jiraiya asked curiously, gaining Emiko's attention. He almost seemed to know what was going on.

"Inside my head." Naruto said sheepishly, suddenly realizing how weird he sounded. Emiko would've pinched one of his nerves if she wasn't so concentrated on the Pervy Sage. How was it he knew about the seal in the first place, or the fact that he wasn't that weirded out by Naruto's sudden confession, but instead was curious.

"Naruto, we're going to the village to visit an old friend." Jiraiya stated as he began walking towards the village.

"Who're we gonna see Pervy Sage?" Naruto asked as he caught up to the old man.

"Inoichi Yamanaka, ever heard of him?" He stated more then asked.

"Isn't he Ino's dad?" Naruto asked, but it was more directed towards Emiko. Wasn't Ino the one who used the Mind-Transfer Jutsu technique. What was this old bastard planning? She layed back deciding not to answer her annoying brother. She stared off into the void space of his mind. She could hear some indistinct voices but ignored them. She began humming softly to herself, her hums eventually turning into words.

You make me so upset sometimes

I feel like I could lose my mind

The conversation goes nowhere

'Cause you're never gonna take me there

And I know, what I know

And I know you're no good for me

Yeah I know, what I know

And I know it's not meant to be

Here's my dilemma

One half of me wants ya

And the other half wants to forget

My-my-my dilemma

From the moment I met you

I just can't get you out of my head

And I tell myself to run from you

But I find myself attracted to

To my dilemma, my dilemma

It's you, it's you

 She was cut off there by a fuming Naruto. 'I wonder what got him so pissed?' She thought, But before she could speak up, he cut her off.

 "Are you trying to make me deaf or something!" He growled at her. Emiko's eye began to twitch. She got an evil grin on her face before twisting one of his nerves. She began laughing maniacally as her brother suddenly wasn't in control over his own body. She twisted a few more nerves and made him do the chicken dance. She was trying to keep from falling over just to make sure he suffered through a few more minutes of public embarrassment. She couldn't take it anymore after making him do the hula in front of a few familiar faces. Those included Kakashi, Duckbutt, Pinky, and Iruka. She fell over laughing while Naruto's face turned a millions shades of red. Everyone gave him strange looks and Kakashi looked like he was about to get him some psychiatric treatment. Jiraiya quickly grabbed Naruto away from the scene and led him away. She had no idea where they were going, but honestly she really didn't care at the moment. She was too busy trying to catch her breath.

 Soon enough, she stood up to see that they were inside someone's house, the Yamanaka's to be exact. She saw this older man talking to Pervy Sage about something, she was going to eavesdrop but she was too lazy at the moment. Suddenly, she saw the man standing in front of Naruto and perform hand signs. 'This can't be good.' She thought to herself as the area around her began to shift.

 "Oh crap, I'm screwed."

 There is Chapter 3 everyone!! I hope you all enjoy!

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