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-I don't know what got into you, but you've been different since that kiss with Jake.-said Jungwon as they were drinking their coffee in starbucks.
-Well, you'll see.-smiled Sunghoon.
-Okay but I like this new you.
-New me? There's no new me.-said a confused Sunghoon.-Just because I'm happy right now doesn't mean that I'm not stressing about school or skating. Tomorrow I've got a competition and I have to be prepared for that.
-You'll do amazing. Trust me. By the way, are you gonna invite Jake? He invited you too.
-I don't know, I want to. But wouldn't it be weird after the kiss? -asked Sunghoon. He was still shy just thinking about the kiss.
-It would be of course.-laughed Jungwon. -But I think you should decide what you gonna do with Jake cause I don't think you should mislead him, or just keep him waiting. I would never do that to Jay you know, cause I know it would hurt him.-said Jungwon and as he said Jay, he suddenly started missing him so he texted him to meet up.
-Why can't it be this easy for me, like for you and Jay?-asked Sunghoon. He knows mostly it's his fault but still.
-Cause you're a stubborn idiot, who's afraid of getting hurt. Now let's go, you're gonna miss your practise.-said Jungwon and he hit Sunghoon a bit.
-Oh my god the practise.-said Sunghoon suddenly looking at his phone. -No no no.
-What? What is it?
-Yesterday my coach told me that I need to get there one hour early. I forgot damn it. He's gonna kill me.-said Sunghoon panicking. He always forget these things.
-Okay then let's get you there as fast as we can.-said Jungwon running and grabbing onto Sunghoon.

-Don't they know I'm working here? Damn, they are stupid.-said Sunoo shaking is head in shock. He heard the whole conversation, but he figured he shouldn't tell this about Jake, it will just complicate things. Either way he had a lot on his mind right now, cause Niki got really close to Heeseung. They hang out all the time, and they do a lot of things together. Sunoo knows that they are just friends but still, he's jealous. And Heeseung is mean to Jake, his friend, so Niki shouldn't befriend him.

-Hi. How was your day? -asked Jay as Jake came in almost collapsing.
-Great as you see. Give me water.
Jay rushed to get water and gave it to Jake.
-First of all my coach made me run twice as more as I usually do. So I'm tired and I can't feel my leg. And I have to do my math and chemistry homework and I have to study for french class. So I had enough. I had enough seriously nothing works out for me. Nothing.-said Jake and Jay hugged him. He knew how much his friend suffered, but he couldn't really help him. He does his laundry, he cooks for him and he helps him studying but that's the most he can do sadly. But he knew everything we'll work out, especially with Sunghoon, Jake just had to wait for a little bit more.
-Look everything will be fine. Trust me. I made food, eat then I'll help you study if you want.
-Thank you so much Jay. Love you bro.-said Jake as he hugged Jay again.
-Okay but first please take a shower.-said Jay ruining the moment.
-Damn you.-hit him Jake and he went to shower.
"Why am I so unlucky? I just want someone to love me, I want good grades and I want to win the competition. Is that too much to ask?" -mumbled Jake to himself. Maybe it is, but damn he deserves it.

Loving You Is A Losing Game • JakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now