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-Hii!-shouted Jay as he hugged every person who came in the door while Jake was in the kitchen standing awkardly.-Hi! Hyunjin! Felix! Oh my god Jisung. Chaannn, when was the last time we met? I have to tell you a bunch of things. Jaeminnn!
How came Jake didn't know any of them. It's gonna be so awkward. No. He has to make friends tonight, he has to approach them.
-A few still haven't arrived but ehh. Let's start the party.-shouted Jay again and he turned the music up, Jake thought he will go deaf tonight and well Jay, he will surely lose his voice.
Jake went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer and sat down on the sofa. Everyone was dancing and having a good time, but he was just afraid to go and talk to them. As he was standing up someone sat down next to him.
-Hi. -he said smiling.
-Oh hi. Who are you?
-I'm Felix. And I know you are Jake. Jay told me a lot about you. And you sat here so sadly so I though I'll give you company.
-Wow thanks.-Jake said smiling. Finally someone approached him, he was so happy. And that guy seemed nice and he was from Australia too.
They were talking for like half an hour, they told a lot about themselves, told stories then the bell rang.
-I got it.-shouted Jake but no one payed attention to him so he just went to the door and opened it.
-Are you kidding me? I'm going home.-said someone from behind. Of course it was Sunghoon but what the hell was he doing here?
-No you're not. Hi Jake.-smiled Jungwon as he stepped inside.-Where's Jay?
-He's dancing there.-pointed Jake at someone who was dancing on the table.-How do you know him by the way?
-We went to school together and we met again at where Jay's working so we contected each other again and here I am. Now I'm going to him. Bye.-said Jungwon leaving a confused Jake and an angry Sunghoon by the door.
-Won't you come in?-asked Jake and Sunghoon stepped inside not looking at the boy.
-I know you hate me.-said Jake. -But I'm not that rude if you get to know me. And I'm sorry for pushing you and you know writing means things on your coffee.
-To me, you were only rude. Sooo I don't care.-said Sunghoon and he high fived some of his friends.
Jake didn't really care about Sunghoon but he hated when someone hated him. So tonight he will try to show Sunghoon how nice he is in reality. He went back to talking Felix.
-Who was that guy?-asked Felix.
-Just some guy who doesn't really like me.
-Really? Then why is he here? And how can someone hate you, you look amazing and you're nice and funny. And you're Aussie.-laughed Felix.
-Oh thanks.-Jake face was a bit red from the compliment. Was this guys flirting with him? Would it be weird if he ask that? -Are you flirting with me by the way?
-Oh.-laughed Felix.-No I'm not. Actually I have boyfriend. Him.-pointed at a long blond haired guy.-His name is Hyunjin. And I'm always like this so don't worry.
-Oh okay then sorry.-said Jake and he mentally slapped himself.
As the night went on Jake started to speak with others too and he was dancing too. But he still avoided Sunghoon. Sunghoon was usually in the kitchen talking to someone keeping the whole nigh lowkey, he didn't really dance or anything, he sometimes looked at Jake to see what he's doing. Now because he cared or anything he was just curious.
-Now who's ready for truth or dare?-shouted a drunk Jay.
This ought to be good.

Loving You Is A Losing Game • JakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now