Part 25

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"Would you like to come in?" Stevie shifted her weight from one foot onto the other, doing her best to maintain the eye contact with Lauren. 

"I'd prefer not to do this out in the hallway." She nodded once and waited for Stevie to unlock the door.

The keys fell from her hand and Stevie bent down to grab them. A little shaky, she slid the key into the lock and let Lauren through first. Stevie kicked off her shoes and put away her things, while Lauren stood awkwardly, clutching her purse, waiting.

"Can I offer you something to drink?" Stevie asked. "You didn't tell me, you were coming, so I don't really have anything else."

"It's fine. Coffee's fine." Lauren replied and followed Stevie into the kitchen. 

The tension could have been cut with a knife, however, neither of the two women seemed to want to address it. Lauren remained tight lipped, while Stevie put the kettle on and moved to grab two cups. She poured the boiling water into one and the smell of coffee irritated her.

"Stevie, you're fussing." Lauren spoke up, making her sit down. 

"Were you just passing by or-"

"Lindsey broke up with me." Lauren interrupted and Stevie stilled for a moment. 

"I'm so sorry to hear that." Stevie said, focused on her cup of tea. "May I ask, what happened?"

"I don't know." Lauren shrugged, shaking her head. "I thought, you could tell me."

"Wha- what makes you think, I'd know something about it?" Stevie gulped, feeling the other woman's eyes on her.

"I know, something's going on with you two. He left late in the evening to see you. He spent the night with you. I saw all those texts between you." Lauren tried to remain calm, however, the fact that Stevie couldn't look her in the eye, spoke louder than any words. "I don't have a problem if you became friends, that's fine, but why act like strangers around each other? And our stay at the vacation house together? I'm not sure, what was going on, but you were acting strangely. Lindsey was very interested in getting to know things about you, too. That first night, I know that I was wasted, but I also know that after Lindsey helped me to bed, he walked out of the room again. In the morning, I took off long blond hair off his shirt and I didn't think much of it, I made it sound like a joke. Now? Now, I think, I know exactly, why he left and where he went to."

"Lauren, I'm not sure, what you're trying to say here." Stevie felt her heartbeat pick up pace, she took a sip of her tea. "Yes, Lindsey and I have become... friends, but-"

"Is that all you are to each other?" 


"Don't lie to me, Stevie." Lauren warned, shaking her head. "Was he the man, you spent that incredible night with? Was he the talented man, no matter how he chose to pleasure you? Was he-"

Lauren stopped, when the doorbell rang. Stevie slowly rose to her feet, praying that it wasn't Lindsey, impatiently pressing the buzzer again. Her heart sunk, when she saw him in the hallway. Stevie couldn't get a word in, when Lindsey invited himself in and enveloped her in his arms.

"Are you okay? Did you get home safe?" Lindsey questioned. "I was worried, when Greg called me. I knew, I was right to ask him to keep an eye on you."


"Lauren and I are over, Stevie. I promised you, didn't I? I told you, I'd come back. After what happened today, I'm gonna put a stop to this whole thing." Lindsey continued on, ignoring the pleading look in Stevie's eyes to stop talking.

"Lindsey." She said his name again.

"How did the doctor's appointment go? Is everything alright? Is our baby alright?" Lindsey caught another figure with the corner of his eyes, coming into view. "L-Lauren..."

"What did you just ask her?" Lauren locked eyes with him. 

"I... I was asking if Stevie's alright." Lindsey slowly pulled away, realizing what he'd just done. 

"No." She shook her head. "No, you were asking if your baby is alright."

"Lauren, I'm sorry." Stevie knew it wasn't going to do any good now, but she had to say it, she hoped Lauren would believe her, however, she doubted it. "I never meant for any of this to happen."

"Out of all the men in the world?" Lauren looked over at Stevie. "And you call yourself my friend."

"I'm so-"

"I don't need your apologies." She straightened herself out and swallowed the lump of tears forming in her throat. Lauren opened her mouth to say something else, then decided, neither of them was worth it. 

"Stevie, I didn't know that you weren't alone." Lindsey said, once Lauren walked out. 

"Maybe you should have stopped talking, when I tried interrupting you." Stevie glared at him and shrugged his hands off, when he placed them on her shoulders.

"I was worried about you." Lindsey argued, following after her. He then abruptly stopped, when she did too, turning around to face him. "What's going on?"

"I don't think, you're the man I thought you were." Stevie shook her head. "I want you to leave."


"I said, go!" She raised her voice, slightly startling him. 

"But..." Lindsey trailed off, he was lost.

Her eyes narrowed at him, Stevie made Lindsey walk backwards towards the door. When his back hit the wall, Lindsey had no choice but to leave as well.

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