Part 14

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"So, this is Tom." Jane grinned, looping her arm through his as he gave a small, awkward wave to her friends. "Isn't he gorgeous?"

"Jane..." Tom laughed nervously, shaking his head. "I haven't even properly met these people." 

"She tends to get overly excited." Lauren smiled, standing in between Lindsey and Stevie, a margarita in her hand. 

"And he's fantastic at the grill!"

"Jane!" Tom looked at her embarrassed. "I didn't say that. I said, I enjoy cooking." 

Lindsey felt for the guy. From the second he met Jane, he knew she was a handful. "The grill is all yours. All I can make is an omelette, which usually ends up being scrambled eggs."

"It's true!" Lauren nodded with a chuckle.

Stevie's eyebrows slightly creased, when she remembered the two course dinner Lindsey had cooked for her followed by a delicious chocolate soufflé. 

"Well, let's not just stand here. I think, you two need a drink." Lauren squeezed herself in between Tom and Jane, hugging them around the shoulders, she walked them into the kitchen. 

Stevie turned to head up to her room to change out of of her bikini and Lindsey remained standing, looking from the direction she went in and towards the kitchen. "I'm going upstairs to change, Lauren."

"Sure, honey." He heard her say and he jogged up the stairs, catching up with Stevie.

Stevie didn't expect Lindsey's arms around her, when he rushed them inside the room. "What do you think you're doing?"

Lindsey wasted no time and kissed her instead of replying. She felt weak at the knees as she locked her hands at the nape of his neck, parting her lips, she moaned as his tongue brushed over hers. 

"We are going to get caught."

"You need to stop saying that." Lindsey gave her a look, his hands resting on the small of her back. "You look insanely hot in this." He leaned in and caught her bikini top strap with his teeth.

"Stop it!" Stevie giggled, weakly pushing him away, when his lips began nuzzling her neck. "You know that I'm ticklish."

"You are, when I'm trying to be sweet." Lindsey nodded, pulling back as he smiled at her lovingly. "You're a dirty woman, Stephanie."

Stevie cocked her head to one side. "You've never called me that before."

"Is that okay if I do?" He asked, slowly swaying on the spot with her in his arms. 

There was a mere second between the knock on the door and when Jane pushed it open, but it was just enough for Stevie and Lindsey to separate from each other. "Stevie, are you decent? Oh... Lindsey?"

Stevie felt her heart thumping as she tried to think of something. "I left behind my hair tie, Lindsey brought it to me." She said, snapping it on her wrist. 

"You couldn't have waited for her to get dressed?" Jane looked from one to the other. 

"I- I was passing by into my room and stopped to give it back." Lindsey shrugged his shoulders, hoping to sound nonchalant. "I'll be on my way then." He awkwardly passed by Jane and walked out, leaving the two women alone.

"Was there something you wanted?" Stevie asked, looking and Jane, whose mind seemed to still be lingering of why Lindsey was in Stevie's room. "Have you forgotten again? I'm telling you, you need to starting taking vitamins or something." Stevie laughed lightly, but the look on Jane's face worried her. 

"Why was Lindsey really here?" 

"I told you-"

"No." Jane shook her head. "I'm not stupid, Stevie."

"Fine." Stevie sighed, giving herself an extra moment to think. "Alright, but you can't tell Lauren. Promise?"

"I promise."

"Lindsey wanted to talk to me, he's going to approach you as well. Lauren's birthday is coming up as you know and he wants to surprise her. He just wants to ask us some things, since we're her closest friends."

Jane slapped herself on the forehead and started laughing. "Of course! Lauren's birthday!"

"Yes." Stevie nodded, smiling, because it seemed like Jane believed her. "He doesn't want her to find out, that's all."

"Maybe I am stupid." Jane wondered, shaking her head. "Here I was, thinking that you and Lindsey were up to something entirely else."

"Jesus, of course not!" Stevie chuckled nervously. "Did you remember, why you came up here?"

"Uh..." Jane thought for a second. "No. Probably wasn't all that important."

"Well, alright. I'm just going to change and join you downstairs."

"Don't take too long!" Jane said as she stopped in the doorway. "Those delicious cocktails aren't going to drink themselves."

Once Jane had finally left, Stevie quickly put on her clothes and went out of her room. She lingered, waiting for Lindsey to come out too, so she could let him in on his supposed secret surprise for Lauren's birthday.

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