Chapter 16

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The music was coming so softly from jungkook and taehyung's apartment where taehyung was getting ready to go pick his boyfriend up from work and have a little date at the park.

He knew jungkook would be tired after a long day at work, so he prepared some food and drinks and put them in a small basket along with a blanket to sit on. He could finally have his dream picnic date because for once, the weather was actually acceptable.

He looked in the mirror and smiled to himself because he thought jungkook would love his outfit. He was wearing an oversized denim jacket with a black turtleneck underneath it and black pants; and because he wanted to feel pretty, he tied his red bandana over his fluffy hair and chuckled at his efforts of impressing the older.

Once he thought everything looked good and ready, he took the food basket in his hand and walked out to head to the convenience store where they worked.

When he arrived, right before stepping a foot into the store, he heard his name being said to which he thought jungkook must be talking about him to jimin. He smiled at the thought of that and couldn't help but stay there a little just to hear what jungkook is saying about him.

"I'm just with him because i feel bad for him, you know? And i really hate that he thinks i feel that way about him." he heard jungkook say and could tell there was a sigh that followed. He stood there for a few seconds as he heard jimin ask, "why don't you talk to him about it?"

Jungkook's voice could be heard again, "you don't understand, he seems genuinely happy for once, i don't want to take that away from him. But i'll talk to him soon, i don't want him to keep thinking like that."

Taehyung's heart physically hurt when he heard that. He thought jungkook would be talking about how happy he is with him, not how he's just with him because of pity.

The next thing he knew was that he was walking away from the store, not able to hear or see anything properly anymore. Everything hurt. He thought he could finally be happy, but of course everything has to crash down on him like that.

He found himself at the familiar park after he stopped walking. He sat down on the bench and couldn't stop the tears that escaped his eyes. Why do i have to live like this? Why doesn't anyone want me? My friends, my parents, and now jungkook. Why don't they want me?

He felt like the biggest idiot when he saw he was still holding onto that stupid basket. He put it down and hugged his knees before resting his head over them and cried. He didn't want to cry nor to feel like this, but he'll allow himself to do it for now so when he sees jungkook again, he'll be strong enough to not cry in front of him and have the ability to walk away.

Meanwhile, jungkook finished his shift and was going back home. He didn't know about taehyung's preparations for a picnic date so he thought he would find him at home.

He walked inside the apartment, "tae baby, i'm home." he said but there was no reply. "Taehyung?" he raised his voice a bit because maybe taehyung was in the bedroom and couldn't hear him, but still, nothing.

When he finished looking through every room of the apartment and not finding him, he was very worried because taehyung always tells him when he wants to go out because he still doesn't know much about Seoul's streets. He pulled his phone out and called him but no one picked up so he texted him.

baby? where are you?
i came home and you're not here
please let me know where you are
you never leave without telling me

He sat at home and waited for taehyung to come back, but when an hour passed and the other haven't even replied yet, he decided to walk out and look for him.

He went to the store first because maybe taehyung had a night shift today and he forgot about it, but he wasn't there. He thought he could find him at the park since taehyung loves going there, so he made his way to that park and as soon as he saw the black fluffy hair of taehyung's, he quickly walked to him.

"Baby? What are you doing here?"

Taehyung without looking up at him replied, "please don't call me that."

taehyung's outfit^ also im so sorry for the sad chapter!! i will make it up to you i promise! you just have to wait for the next update which definitely will be out this week!!

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taehyung's outfit^ also im so sorry for the sad chapter!! i will make it up to you i promise! you just have to wait for the next update which definitely will be out this week!!

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