A few nights later, the couple were watching a movie while cuddling on the couch which was basically taehyung's bed. Jungkook's head was buried in the crook of taehyung's neck because he didn't want the other to see him crying over a movie scene and make fun of him for it. But what can he do? Just because he's all big and muscle-y doesn't mean he couldn't be soft and cry at some movie.
"Jungkook i can literally feel your tears on my neck, there's no need to hide there." taehyung chuckled as he caressed jungkook's hair softly. "no you can't, i'm not crying." the latter insisted but taehyung giggled to himself, "then why's my neck wet? are you licking it?"
Jungkook instantly raised his head at that, "what? no i swear!"
"Ha! You're crying! Omg baby look at you." taehyung cooed at jungkook's red puffy eyes before cupping his face, "i just don't understand why she had to-" he tried to explain but the other cut him off, "i know baby, i know. It's okay don't cry." he said as he kissed the tip of jungkook's nose.
After that, taehyung tried to cheer his boyfriend up by playing another movie that wasn't as sad as Midnight Sun, and it worked because jungkook was giggling most of the time through it.
When the movie was over, taehyung kicked jungkook's leg lightly under the blanket to get his attention, "you have work early in the morning, you should sleep now. I also want to sleep so go, you're taking all the space in my bed." he said and kicked him again.
"You wanna sleep? Fine." jungkook stood up before carrying taehyung in his arms then walked them to his bedroom. "What are you doing? Put me down!" taehyung whined as he was laid down on jungkook's bed. "I don't want you to sleep on the couch anymore, i want you here, right next to me." jungkook admitted and taehyung smiled shyly, "really?"
Jungkook nodded, "yeah really, you used to sleep next to me a lot when we were just friends, so why not anymore?" he said as he leaned down and kissed the boy's forehead.
Taehyung smiled with his eyes closed, "i guess that's good, i was getting tired of sleeping on the couch anyway."
"You're such a brat taehyung. A whole ass brat."
That made taehyung giggle, "i'm kidding i'm kidding i promise." he smiled and pulled jungkook to lay next to him, "let's sleep now, hmm? i don't want you to be tired tomorrow."
The two stayed like that for a while just looking at each other, until taehyung turned around so his back was facing the other. He waited a little before he spoke, "you're not cuddling me you ugly spoon."
Jungkook laughed and hugged him before turning him around again, "Wow. You're the most romantic boyfriend on this planet taehyung."
Taehyung pouted, "says you! who calls their boyfriend taehyung?!" Jungkook sighed at that, "we've been over that, it's your name!"
Taehyung gave him a sharp look, hoping it would look scary, but it didn't really, he looked like a whole angry baby which had jungkook breaking from his tough boy act, "fine. i'm sorry. your name is either baby or fairy, that mistake won't happen again, please forgive me fairy."
That pretty boxy smile appeared on his face upon hearing that, "yay! maybe you're not an ugly spoon, because you're really, like really pretty."
Jungkook chuckled, "well thank you kind sir." he kissed the tip of the other's nose, "goodnight baby."
"Goodnight kookie."
The next morning, taehyung walked into the room with a tray of pancakes that he prepared, before setting it on the nightstand and sitting next to jungkook to wake him up, "jungkookie, rise and shine baby."
Jungkook being the light sleeper he is instantly opened his eyes, "why are you up so early tae? you don't have work today." he said with his husky voice and taehyung's heart melted.
"I know, i woke up to prepare a good breakfast for you." he smiled and kissed the other's forehead, "now get up, let's eat."
Jungkook sat up smiling, "you didn't have to petal."
"I also know that, but i really wanted to."
"Thank you baby. I really love how this all feels so domestic with you."
A chapter of pure fluff to make up for the lack of updates! i hope you like it and thank you if you're still reading!🥺 i love you!

RomanceKim taehyung needs help, and jeon jungkook becomes his real life hotline.