Chapter 23

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Surprisingly, the meeting between taehyung and jungkook's parents went pretty well. They weren't the nosey type that would ask their son's boyfriend any uncomfortable questions which made it really easy for taehyung to talk to them.

After a few hours of resting, the older couple insisted that they should all go out so they can have fun and get to know taehyung better and see what kind of person he is; which is why they're now at the park, jungkook's parents each riding on their respective bikes while jungkook was teaching taehyung how to ride one.

Taehyung has never ridden a bike before. It was scary and annoying, so why would he? "Stop crying and just hold on to this. I'm not gonna let you fall!" jungkook whined after trying to teach the boy for the past twenty minutes with no signs of progress.

Two hours and an injured knee later, taehyung sat on the backseat of the bike pouting as he held tightly onto jungkook's jacket from the back, the latter still laughing at he continues to ride around.

"Stop laughing already!" taehyung pouts, hitting jungkook's back as he got off the bike to take a look at his knee. Jungkook continued laughing, "i didn't think teaching you how to ride a bike would be impossible."

Taehyung sighed, "how the fuck am i supposed to ride something that only stands on two dumb wheels yet can't really stand by themselves! Of course i'm gonna fall!" He knows he's not making any sense, but he just wanted to defend himself.

"How am i not falling then? Look! I'm riding around just fine."

Taehyung scoffed for the nth time since they got here, "if you're gonna teach me how to ride, might as well teach me how to ride your dick."

Jungkook fell off his bike which made taehyung laugh loudly feeling pride creep through him for making jungkook feel flustered instead.

"You are definitely not allowed to make sexual innuendos in public! And most definitely not when my parents are around!" jungkook said, "And most most definitely NOT when i'm riding a bike!" he continued as he dusted his pants.

"Oops. Does it make you flustered jungkookie?"

Jungkook smirked, "not really, but my hands are kinda busy here which makes it hard for me to pull you towards me and actually make you ride my d-"

"Okay! Okay! Jeez let's end this discussion here." taehyung cut him off immediately and took his hand, "let's go sit with your parents now!"

They all sat together and asked each other basic questions which made jungkook's parents really like taehyung. He was sweet and he loved their son which was the most important thing.

"As an older parent, i need to say this." jungkook's mother, jihee, started. "You guys should be more careful talking about sexual things in public. We actually heard everything. Which makes me want to tell you, i'm not one to interfere but, you guys must know it's better to keep things like this till after marriage."

Jungkook sighed, "mom, i hate to break it to you but you're late." he smiled sheepishly before taehyung smacked his arm. "I'm sorry! I didn't know what type of people you are! If i had known i would've never let jungkook do something like that, but he never told me you were a conservative family!"

"The fuck are you throwing me under the bus for?!" jungkook frowned as taehyung smacked his arm again. "Don't swear you uneducated fork!"

"How am i a fork? What the fuck?"

"I said stop swearing!" another smack.

Jungkook's father laughed which interrupted the two. "Chill boys. This is your life. Just because we believe in things like that, like keeping intimacy till after marriage, doesn't mean you should too. Jihee here wasn't trying to force her opinion on you, she was just telling you what she thinks is best, right darling?"

Jihee nodded with a smile, "of course."

Taehyung loved how understanding they were. He has never met anyone like them before.

At the end of the day, jungkook was driving everyone back home when his mother spoke, "jungkook dear, you should drive your boyfriend home first, don't be rude." she said when jungkook took the road leading to his apartment.

"Uhm, yeah about that.." jungkook said, "we live together mom."

"In my defense, he didn't tell me about that either! I'm sorry!" taehyung whined which made the jeon family laugh. "Uneducated fork." Jihee said with a chuckle.

i'm super sorry for the long wait! this is a bit rushed but i barely have any time to write sksksk im sorry!

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