Chapter 8

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It was jungkook's day off today, which leaves taehyung and jimin alone in the store. The two have become good friends lately, and taehyung was insanely happy about making another friend here.

The store was basically empty now if not for the two boys. They sat around the counter and talked about different things until taehyung decided to ask something. "Hey, jimin, can i ask you something?"

"What is it?" jimin asked and waited for the other to reply, "uhm, is jungkook t-taken?" He really doesn't know why he asked that, and he's almost one hundred percent sure that jungkook is single, because come on, he lives with the guy, and not once did anyone visit him other than his two friends, one of them being jimin.

Jimin looked at him, amused, "no he's not, why does it concern you though?"

Taehyung flailed his arm around and made a pft sound, "concern me? nahhh. i was just wondering because i haven't seen anyone come to his place even though he's super sweet and kind so i thought he must be taken. That's all. Pftt, concern me." he made a tsk sound after finishing talking super fast which made jimin laugh at him.

"Shut up." taehyung pouted before he heard the other talk, "well, he was taken, but his boyfriend wasn't the best you know, he didn't deserve someone like jungkook."

Taehyung's eyes widened, "b-boyfriend?"

Jimin instantly went into defense mode, "yeah, got a problem with that?" Taehyung quickly shook his head, "I- i boyfriend." he realized that what he said probably made zero sense to the other which was obvious by the confused look on his face, so he shook his head before saying, "i- i like boys too." he said while playing with his fingers and looking down.

Jimin reached his hand out and took taehyung's hands that rested on the counter in his, "you don't have to worry about it, we're all gay here." Jimin chuckled, "but seriously don't worry yeah? you have our complete support, mine and jungkook's."

"You like boys too?" taehyung asked in a small shaky voice, he's only ever known one person that was nice to him after knowing he was gay, and to hear that his only friends were just like him, and saw nothing wrong with it, made him feel too many feelings that he just wanted to cry.

Jimin nodded after squeezing the other's hands, "yeah, i have a boyfriend actually." Taehyung quickly looked up once he heard that, "really? can i see?" he asked excitedly as if he was a kid who was asking his parents for candy.

Jimin laughed again, "he's gonna pick me up from work today, so i guess you'll see him then."

"Oh my god wait! Since he's your boyfriend, which means he's dating a boy, he's gonna be okay with me liking boys too, right?" taehyung asked while bouncing on his little feet happily.

Jimin's laugh was loud, "of course! you know who else would be happy when you tell them?" he asked and saw the other shake his head. "Jungkook." jimin answered. "i think he was a bit afraid of your reaction that's why he never brought it up, but i bet this will make him happy and relieved, no?"

When jimin's shift ended, a tall boy walked through the store's door. Jimin was in the staff room getting his stuff so taehyung thought he was a customer. "Hi, how can i help you?"

The boy smiled, "it's okay, i'm just here to pick jimin up." Taehyung's doe eyes went shiny at that, "Omg! Are you his boyfriend?" taehyung asked and the boy chuckled before nodding.

Just then, jimin walked out of the staff room and saw his boyfriend and taehyung talking, so he walked up to them, "oh, i see you two have already met."

Taehyung nodded with enthusiasm, he can't explain how happy he is to find people who think he is normal. "I'm taehyung." he said through a smile and the boy smiled at him again. He was so cheerful, taehyung thought.

"I've heard a lot about you! Nice to meet you, i'm hoseok." the three talked a little before it was time for the couple to leave, "we'll see you later, tae." they said before walking out of the store leaving taehyung alone with his many, many thoughts.

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