Chapter 11

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After knowing what the younger has been through, jungkook always made sure to keep a smile on his face no matter what. He brought him his favorite ice cream whenever he came back home from work, played with him and just talked to him about anything he wanted.

"What are you doing fairy?" jungkook asked when he walked out of the bathroom after finishing his shower, looking at taehyung who was fighting with the remote control.

Taehyung pouted, "this little shit won't turn off and i want to sleep." he said as he threw the remote on the couch. Jungkook chuckled as he walked over to the tv and plugged it off which made it turn off, "better?" he asked with a teasing smile.

The other threw a pillow at him in fake annoyance, "shut up." Jungkook laughed again and walked over to taehyung who was standing in front of the couch. He circled his arms around the younger's waist before pecking his forehead, "wanna cuddle before you sleep?"

Taehyung instantly relaxed in the other's arms, circling his arms around the boy's neck. This has become something normal to them and he loved it. So he quickly nodded from where his head was on the other's shoulder before feeling himself being picked up.

"Hey! Put me down! Put me down you asshole!" taehyung whined but the other ignored him and walked straight to his bed where he put taehyung down. "Bitch." taehyung murmured to himself with a tsk sound which had jungkook laughing again before laying down next to him.

"Stop being a baby and come cuddle me fairy." jungkook said as he opened his arms for the other who gladly crawled over to him and leaned himself onto the other's chest.

After a few minutes of silence, jungkook took taehyung's hand that was resting on his chest in his and started talking, "i think your hands are bigger than mine." he stated and the other hummed, putting his flat palm against jungkook's to compare sizes to where his theory was confirmed, taehyung's hands are bigger, and that had jungkook fake pouting, "bullshit." he said before locking their hands together with a small smile that the other missed.

To be honest, jungkook was one hundred percent sure taehyung's hands were bigger and it really didn't bother him one bit; he just said that as an excuse to hold the younger's hand in his.

Don't get him wrong, it was normal for them to be touchy with each other, cuddles kisses and all that, but this felt different, more intimate in a way because now his little crush on taehyung is only getting bigger.

At first, jungkook didn't want to admit to having this crazy crush on taehyung. He tried to convince himself that it's only a friendly like kinda way, but he was proved wrong with every smile taehyung had sent his way, with every hug they shared, every little supposedly friendly kiss.

They didn't hold hands often, just when taehyung wanted to drag jungkook along somewhere, and vice versa. So now, holding taehyung's hand like this while cuddling is driving him insane. His heart is beating out of his chest and he can't say he doesn't like it.

"You should sleep here tonight, since i have an early shift tomorrow you'll have the bed all to yourself, it's more comfortable for you, hm?" jungkook said and almost fainted when taehyung squeezed his hand before kissing it, "thank you." taehyung said before laying down properly, still holding jungkook's hand.

Jungkook smiled at him, "goodnight taehyung."

Taehyung let go of his hand to slap his chest, "disgusting! why am i being downgraded to the T word again?!" he looked at jungkook and pouted.

Jungkook chuckled, "isn't that, i don't know, your name?" he said and taehyung shook his head, "my name is taehyung out of this apartment, inside my name is fairy." he pouted again and jungkook laughed while nodding, "okay i'm sorry, goodnight fairy, better?"

"much better."

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