Chapter 22

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Taehyung was met with jungkook's warm embrace as soon as he opened the door to their apartment which had him smiling before pecking jungkook's nose. "i missed you."

Taehyung hummed, "i missed you too, but i was only gone for a few hours baby." Jungkook chuckled, "still." he then pulled apart a little and took taehyung's hand in his, "there's something i wanna tell you, let's sit down, yeah?"

"Yeah. I wanna talk to you about something too."

They sat down on their couch, and after jungkook insisted on taehyung going first, the latter started talking. "Okay so you know how i'm very interested in fashion and designing and all, right?" he received a nod to continue. "Well i was offered a job at the fashion design center down the street. It wasn't really an offer because i went and applied for the job but still, and i got accepted today. I'm sorry i didn't tell you before. I know how much you love the convenience store and how attached you are to the job and i don't want you to think that i don't appreciate you giving me a job there or that i'm belittling your store but i just don't really enjoy it either, you know? I'm really sorry."

Jungkook just stared at taehyung for a while which scared the latter a bit. He doesn't want to make jungkook sad or upset, but he also wants to follow his dream.

Then a chuckle was heard. It was jungkook. "Tae, baby, you really thought i'll get upset because you wanna do something you love?" taehyung looked at him with doe eyes, "you're not?"

"Petal, just because i enjoy working at the convenience store doesn't mean you should too. I gave you a job because we needed someone and you needed a job, but of course you don't have to stay there forever just because you don't want to make me sad or angry or whatever. I'm the owner of my store and maybe that's why i don't find the job bad, and i can hire someone else, as long as you're happy and comfortable. I just want you to be yourself and do what's best for you and what makes you happy." taehyung whined and hugged him immediately, "god i was actually scared for a moment. How could i be though when i have the sweetest boyfriend slash boss ever."

Jungkook laughed, "plus if you quit, it only means we can spend more time together because you don't have to work as much as you did at the store, right?"

"Yeah." taehyung chuckled, "now your turn , what do you wanna talk about?"

Jungkook pulled away to look at him properly. "Right, so, my parents want to visit, and they're coming tomorrow."

Taehyung nodded, "y-your parents? okay. Perfect! Can't wait! Should i clean around? The house looks dirty to me. Great idea! Let's clean. Then we'll go get some food and drinks, i don't think we have enough in the fridge, get up let's go!"

"Tae, relax. Are you okay?" jungkook asked and taehyung nodded, "why wouldn't i be?"

Jungkook smiled, "you don't have to do anything, everything looks perfect to me, so just relax. My parents aren't the judging type."

Taehyung nodded, "then, tell about them a little?"

"Okay. My parents are super nice. Their minds are a bit traditional but it's okay, because they're also understanding." jungkook said and taehyung raised an eyebrow, "how traditional?" he asked. "The no making out or sex before marriage kinda traditional. No living together either. They also didn't think being gay is alright, so you can imagine how hard it was for me to come out to them. But as i said before they're very understanding, it took them a little time but they don't have a problem with it now. So you don't have to worry about anything. I already told them about you too."

Taehyung's eyes were wide the entire time jungkook was talking, "what do you mean i don't have to worry? jungkook i literally live here! With you! And we've already done things together! But spoiler alert, we're not married! Oh my god they're going to hate me!" he panicked.

"They won't hate you petal, how could anyone ever hate you?" jungkook said as he cupped the younger's face.

Tears escaped from taehyung's eyes as he spoke, "but my parents do, they hate me. And now your parents will do too. I always have to do something to mess things up, i'm sorry."

Jungkook shook his head, "you didn't do anything wrong, your parents -if you can even call them that- don't hate you because you did something wrong, it's because they don't know how to accept someone who's different. It's their minds baby, not you. It was never because of you. I wish i could tell you something different, like they wouldn't hate you, but i can't because people who treat their own son like that surely have problems. They can't even love themselves in the first place to even begin and love other people. So it's really not you fairy. I don't want you to think that what happened to you was your fault. It wasn't, not even a tiny bit, okay? And i promise you, my parents will absolutely love you."

"i hope so." taehyung whispered before burying his head in jungkook's neck to inhale the scent that comforts him best.

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