Chapter 21

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"Where the hell did you get that from?" taehyung asked with shock on his face as he looked at his boyfriend who smiled sheepishly, "i borrowed it from our neighbor."

Taehyung mentally facepalmed at jungkook's words, "do you even know how to ride a bike?" he asked to which jungkook shrugged, "i've done it a few times. Stop being a baby and get on!"

"Ugh why do i even try at this point?" taehyung whined as he took the helmet from jungkook's hands to put it on his head, struggling a bit but jungkook was quick to help, "you won't regret it, i promise." jungkook said and kissed taehyung's palm. The latter smiled but couldn't hide his bratty self, "sure, unless i die or something."

"Taehyung equals drama queen. I swear."

The two got on the bike, taehyung hugging jungkook's waist so tightly, afraid he might fall, but jungkook took his hand in his before whispering, "don't be scared, i promise i wouldn't risk it if i wasn't sure that you're safe, okay? I know how to ride this."

Taehyung smiled and nodded, resting his head on jungkook's shoulder, "okay."

They rode around seoul's streets, jungkook speeding up a little when there's no one in the area making taehyung laugh with excitement. "This is so much fun kookie! I feel like i'm flying!" taehyung screamed over the loud wind and jungkook laughed, "i told you!"

After about 30 minutes of driving around, they stopped at the top of a hill where the whole city could be seen. "Wow! This is so beautiful." taehyung whispered when he saw the view, "I know right! Let's sit down now, hmm?"

Taehyung had his head leaned over jungkook's shoulder as the latter played with his soft hair. "Who are you texting? Hey! Is that jimin?" jungkook asked when he saw jimin's profile popping up on taehyung's screen.

"Nope! Nothing!" taehyung said as he hid his phone in his back pocket. "Just because you put your phone there doesn't mean i can't get it, you know. It's nothing i haven't touched before." he slapped taehyung's ass lightly and winked before he laughed out loud when taehyung pushed him away.

He took taehyung's hands in his to stop the other from playfully hitting him -the small hits hurt but he'd never admit that- "but seriously, is everything okay?" he then asked.

Taehyung nodded, "jimin knew we are on a date so he told me something about you."

Jungkook hummed, "mind sharing?"


The latter then reached to taehyung's phone and stood up before taehyung could snatch it away from him, "let's see what that boy is saying about me!"

hobi said jungkook is a lousy kisser
so good luck on your date today!
i bet you'll need it haha

"That short ass and his boyfriend." jungkook scoffed when taehyung giggled, "why are you upset? do you think you're a lousy kisser?"

Jungkook scoffed again before smirking, "if i were, i wouldn't have you moaning just from a kiss baby."

Taehyung turned red, "i swear to god jungkook! what are you so annoying for!" he whined but jungkook instantly hugged him, "just kidding! just kidding, don't kill me, relax."

The other raised his head to look at him and giggled softly before talking again, "so you and hoseok?" he asked, not sure if jungkook wants to talk about it, and it was proved to be true when he whined loudly, "it's nothing! we only kissed once or twice before him and jimin started dating."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, "did you like him?"

"Not exactly. He was just giving me the attention i wanted back then when i broke up with eunwoo. Jimin was visiting his parents at the time and i met hoseok and it happened. But liked him? No, i don't think i did." jungkook admitted and was met with taehyung's beautiful smile, "okay."

He kissed him. "And you're definitely not a lousy kisser. Not even in the slightest."

Jungkook chuckled, "i love you baby."

"I love you too."

ahh im so sorry! it's been forever since i updated! i just couldn't find enough motivation and everything i wrote seemed like it would ruin the book! but i hope this is fine
i hope you enjoyed it uwu thanks for reading🥺💜

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