"Don't you dare! Don't you dare talk to me jungkook!" taehyung yelled through his tears before throwing a pillow at jungkook's face. Jungkook sighed then sat on the bed next to his crying boyfriend. "Listen, baby, i can explain."
Taehyung looked at him and nodded, "if you can then go ahead."
Jungkook rubbed his eyes with his flat palms before talking, "listen, i was showering right? I had no idea you were standing behind the door with bubbly in your hand, okay? And seeing you there scared me that's why i threw the towel at you. I'm sorry."
"Jeon jungkook you killed our son! You killed bubbly! He was already sick and becoming smaller then you throw the fucking towel at us making him pop in my face!"
Jungkook and taehyung had returned home a few days ago bringing bubbly the balloon with them. As days passed, bubbly started to become smaller which had taehyung saying he's probably sick. And today, he wanted to play-scare jungkook with bubbly after his shower but he didn't expect his mean boyfriend to kill their son.
"I'm sorry baby, i didn't know what to do! You scared me!" jungkook said as he laid down on his back with taehyung looking at him with a frown. "What do you want me to do? Buy you another baby?"
Taehyung gasped, "buy?! Just so you know we did not buy bubbly! We adopted him! You're so inconsiderate!"
That's how the rest of their night went; taehyung complaining about jungkook killing their balloon son and jungkook apologizing, but of course that doesn't mean they didn't kiss and giggle every now and then before taehyung remembering again the horrible act of his boyfriend.
The next morning, taehyung woke up sneezing, one sneeze after the other. He slowly opened his eyes and screamed when he saw a little bunny laying down next to him.
He ran away from the bed and bumped into jungkook on the way. "What the fuck is that?!" he asked then sneezed again, and jungkook looked at him confused, "i wanted to surprise you, i went early in the morning and adopted a baby for us that can surely live a while longer than the balloon. I also named him bubbly for you!"
Taehyung looked at jungkook before exploding in laughter which only confused jungkook more. "What's so funny?"
"You're so cute oh my god jungkook! But i'm allergic to bunnies!" he said, a sneeze interrupting him again, then laughed.
Jungkook kept apologizing for not knowing and returned the little bunny right away, returning home with a water-filled balloon having the man selling them claiming that they don't pop easily and they 'live' longer than the other ones.
Taehyung opened the door for him when he knocked, this being another surprise, and smiled warmly when he saw jungkook holding the balloon in his hand. "I'm sorry i killed bubbly the balloon, that wasn't my intention. And i'm sorry for causing you an allergic reaction because of bubbly the bunny, again, that wasn't my intention. I hope you can accept this from me, i adopted him for us, you can name him whatever you want and they told me it won't pop easily."
Taehyung giggled before leaning in to kiss jungkook softly, "you're adorable." He took the balloon from jungkook's hand, "i'll name him squishy, it's so cute! Thank you baby."
Jungkook smiled at him as he took taehyung's hand in his to hold them as they kissed, making the balloon fly from taehyung's hand and hit the ceiling, accidentally hiting the lamp there which made it pop and all the water inside the balloon fell down, drenching them.
Taehyung pulled away before they both burst out into laughters, "what the fuck was that?"
Jungkook groaned through his laughter, "i'm sorry! i swear the man told me it won't pop!"
surprise! double update <3 this is just a filler of fluff uwu i hope you enjoyed!

RomanceKim taehyung needs help, and jeon jungkook becomes his real life hotline.