RiseDonnie x FReader: Bad to the bone

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Request: May I request rottmnt Donnie x fem reader ( in like budding relationship) where Don gets his battle shell pierced through so it injures his soft shell while he protects reader in battle please? And then she comforts him and he opens up about how insecure he is about being soft so he keeps his bad boy image up all the time. I hope it's not too much, thank you!!

A/N: Hey, can I just say that I love your art work it's so pretty and expressive and amazing, secondly, I hope you enjoy!

Bad to the bone


The fight was unexpected, Draxum had ambushed the turtle brothers while they were out getting pizza with April and (Y/N). Battling behind the pizzeria in the lamppost-lit alleyway, the turtles panted glaring at Draxum who stood opposite them. Much to April's disappointment, the guys had warned the girls to stay hidden behind the trash cans, safe and secure from whatever Draxum had cooked up.

"Join me turtles," he dictated, his hand raising into a fist "And together we will be unstoppable!" Leo sent a smug smirk to the baron, casually leaning his weight against his odachi "Ohhh~ Do we get awesome shoulder pads like you?" Draxum growled under his breath "With my supreme intellect and your strength and numbers we will show these insignificant humans who really owns the streets!"

From behind the trash heap, (Y/N) sent April an offended look "Insignificant?" she harshly whispered. April only mumbled under her breath, beginning to stand, (Y/N) quickly put her hand out blocking April from revealing herself. April stared at (Y/N), her eyes questioning her actions, (Y/N) only indicated to the ongoing conversation between the brothers and Draxum.

"Insignificant? Humans are not insignificant. Sure, maybe sometimes they can be overly annoying and dumb, but you can't just kill them all. Some humans are amazing, the way their (h/c) hair flows in the breeze and that little snort they do when they laugh too hard-" Donnie sighs, completely derailing his own point by his dazed rambling. The other brothers stared slack-jaw at him, Leo failing to cover his loud chuckle.

Donnie snapped out of his trance at the sound, turning his head to his brothers, Donnie blushed a dark crimson turning his head quickly away from them "Or you know, kill them all what do I care?" he grumbled. Still holding a teasing smirk, Leo held his Odachi with a tight grip nudging his twin brothers shoulder with his own "I would have never taken you for a snort kinda guy, D."

"S-shut up!"

Raph banged together his Tonfās, formulating a plan in his mind. Sending a knowing look to his team, Raph charged forward, the brothers following his lead, "For the humans!" he bellowed. Draxum sent purple vines from his palms, the magical plant shooting out and heading straight for the teens with force. Narrowly avoiding them, Mikey swung from the fire escape above his head, his Kusari-Fundo wrapping around the rusted metal allowing him to do a swinging kick to Draxum's head.

Sensing the box-turtle's presence, Draxum swiftly slid away from the attack. Launching Mikey back with a forceful punch to the plastron, the girls watched with fear as they observed the orange-banded turtle fly into the stone-brick wall with such velocity. April skidded to his side as soon as he dropped from the wall, "Mikey!" she yelled, kneeling beside him holding his head in her lap. (Y/N) approached soon after, her (e/c) eyes trailing the Mikey-shaped indent in the wall.

"Look out!" Leo shouted, moments before he came crashing into the fire escape above them. Laying limply over the metal railing, head hanging loosely between the rusted bars, Leo's eyes spun in their sockets, his tongue laying out in the open. (Y/N)'s eye's widened at his beaten appearance, panic settling into her bones at the thought of the turtles losing. This Draxum seemed to mean business and in no way at all were the boys ready for this level of villain.

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