Life is a dream, part 2

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Entering the lair was something you could still never get over, no matter how many times you'd walked through the sewers, no matter how many times you'd feel Mikey tackle you in a hug; it still didn't feel real. Speaking of the brothers, Mikey was sat playing some video games while leaning over to slurp his coke, you could hear panting and the sounds of something being destroyed coming from the dojo Raph. Finally taking lighter steps into the lair, you could smell a sweet fragrance waft through the air Leo.

Following Donatello into the kitchen, he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. He tilted his head down to the cold beverage, silently offering you one, you shook your head 'no' your hands wavering to exaggerate the action. He grabbed some Pop-Tarts and placed them in the toaster, leaning his shell against the counter he faced you "Would you like some?" he asked, holding the box in his hands.

"Nah, I already ate breakfast. Thanks though." he nodded in acknowledgement. With a tiny yelp, Donnie plucked the pastry from the toaster and juggled them in his hands complaining about the heat. Walking with him into his lab, you watched him ease into his chair and immediately start rolling around his lab grabbing random bits of scrap metal and tools; a Pop-Tart sticking out of his mouth. Chuckling you sat on the only empty part of his desk, playing with the small dial of the radio, at peace with the static.

"So call in the submarines,

'Round the world we'll go,

Does anybody know, love"

You bolted up at the familiar lyrics, turning to Donnie with wide eyes you yelled: "Hey this is that song I was on about earlier!" Donatello's whole body shook with fear at the rise of your voice. The screws in his hand flying all over his table, some dropping to the floor, your face contorted in guilt "I'm sorry," slipped out of your mouth. Donnie waved you off, acting as though it was nothing, "It's fine (Y/N), sounds like a good song anyway."

Hopping off of the desk, you crouched onto the floor and helped the turtle pick up the screws. You dropped them back into his palm, your skin touching his for only a minute before you pulled away with rosy cheeks. "Th-thank you." Donnie stuttered out, his body turning back to his work, "N-no problem," you replied, equally flustered. Returning to your position on his desk, your eyes wandered the vast expanse of his shell; smiling at all the small gadgets he had managed to strap against the rough terrain.

You gazed in awe as his hands worked fast on screwing in some nuts and bolts, marvelled at how he easily wielded two pieces of metal together. You had so much respect for Donatello and his brothers beyond belief, you still remember the day you had first met them.

You had just arrived in New York, wandering around its vast streets lost out of your mind. You politely asked strangers for help but all they gaze you was a lustful look or a harsh glare. Getting on and off of the subway was another level of confusing for you too, you grimaced at the memory of being caught in the door before some people pulled you in. When you had finally found the right street, New York was cast in a dark blanket, the stars were barely visible due to the horrid pollution cascading through the city.

You remembered hearing someone screaming for help not that far away from you, and naturally being a kind and curious person you decided to check it out. Not too far from you was a woman clutching the remains of her purse, the strap broken and dragging along the ground, two men stood in front of her their faces heavily scarred. You'd never been one to stand up to injustice before, but that was mainly because there were people out there that did that for a profession. But no one was here, no one was going to come and save this woman; you had to try.

"Hey!" two pairs of menacing eyes turned to you, their bodies cast into the shadows of the alley. You began to sweat nervously, your hand desperately clutching the suitcase handle, "Darth Vader called, he wants his scars back!" it was a weak callout but it got their attention nevertheless. They split up, shit, one of the men stayed put in front of the woman while the other, slightly thinner guy if you remembered correctly, came after you.

Before he could make a move on you, four large figures jumped down into the alley. Their weapons shined in the streetlight, "You two take the one on the left, we'll take the one on the right." an authoritative voice called out, all he got was a collective 'hmph' in response. You don't remember much about the fight, your head a little hazy when it came to the finer details. Your mind pressing to find a clear image of him, his nervous expression, his shaking hands, a timid smile. Ah, there it was. You remember meeting Donatello for the first time, or just Donnie as you'd later call him. It was full of awkward introductions and hearty laughs, he was the only person...well turtle, that helped you find your apartment in all of New York.

Meeting him was perfect, a dream even.

"Hey are you gonna get that?" Donnie asked, interrupting your thoughts. You grabbed your phone and saw that your mother was calling you, oh so now you want to talk to me? you thought to yourself. Ever since you'd moved to New York, it felt like keeping in contact with your family and friends was becoming harder and harder. You remember talking to your mum a few months ago before she stopped calling altogether. Frowning, you jumped off of the desk and motioned to Donnie that you'd only be a minute.

Answering the phone all you heard was static, "Hello?" you asked. No reply. "Hello? Mum, you there?" you could make out a female voice filtering through the speaker, but it was barely enough to form a sentence. Deciding to end the call you walked back into the lab, Donnie glanced up from his make-shift device "Oh you're back quicker than I thought, what was that about?" You shrugged your shoulders, walking around to lean on his desk "I don't know, rough connection I guess?"

You groaned in pain as a sudden nerve in your brain ached, pinching the skin between your brow you sighed. Donnie snapped his head in your direction, taking in your hunched form. Leaving his project alone, he put his full attention on you "hey, are you ok? What's wrong?"

"S'nothing, just a headache." you seethed out, Donnie rubbed your arm sympathising with you. He played with the thought of you sleeping in his room for a bit, although his heart longed for you to be in here with him his doctor side took over. Standing up from his chair, he towered over you a small smile gracing his lips "How about you go into my room and get some rest, it should be dark enough so your mind can sleep." You nodded lazily, swaying as you walked to the lab door. Donnie watched you with a worried expression, usually, you swaying your hips did things to him, but right now he didn't think you were doing it intentionally.

The moment he came into reality he saw your feet falter, your body slowly crumbling to the ground. Donnie sprinted over to you clutching you to him before you crashed into the cold cement of the lab floor, your eyes were shut, the darkness gradually creeping in. The last thing you heard before you lost consciousness was Donnie yelling your name.

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