HC 3: Mornings

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Request: I don't know if we can particularly request here but how about what mornings (whenever they do) waking up with them are like? Don't know if I'd need to be more specific lol.

A/N: It's fine to ask in the comments I don't particularly mind. Also, I do want to stress that I am taking a short break from writing full-length fics and I'm kinda just sticking to HCs and short requests rn. If I find the time to do some of the fic requests I've got then I will do them but otherwise, I'm sorry if you have requested a fic cause it might be a week or two until you see it.

Headcanon is set in Bayverse.

Leo: 💙

🔵 Leo will always be awake before you.

🔵 On a rare occasion, when he had been out all night on patrol, you had woken up before him.

🔵 He looked so small cuddled up next to you.

🔵 He thinks the same when he sees your tiny frame pushed up against his.

🔵 Couldn't imagine waking up to a better sight.

🔵 Will run his fingers through your hair, careful not to wake you up.

🔵 His eyes will flicker to the alarm clock on his nightstand.

🔵 He's counting down the minutes until he has to pry himself away from your warmth so he can start training.

🔵 When that alarm goes off, it's quickly silenced.

🔵 He hasn't moved yet, the thought not even crossing his mind that he needs to go somewhere.

🔵 He loves the way he can feel your even breaths against his plastron.

🔵 It sends his heart crazy.

🔵 Will put his leader role aside so he can stay huddled with you for a little while longer.

🔵 Rat dad is very angry his star pupil has missed training., whoops.

Raph: ❤️

🔴 Is definitely spooning you when you wake up.

🔴 It's a 50/50 on who wakes up first when you sleep with Raph.

🔴 If you wake up first, you'll wiggle around in his arms trying to see his sleeping face.

🔴 It's not very often you get to see a look of peace on his profile.

🔴 Although he'll wake up not too soon after grumbling that you awoke him.

🔴 If Raph wakes up before you, he'll lay there and admire your features.

🔴 He still can't believe that you willingly choose to lay beside him at night, let alone date him.

🔴 Brings you closer into his plastron so he can feel your warmth spread around his body.

🔴 Won't admit this out loud, but Raph is a weakling for morning hugs.

🔴 Especially when it's just you and him in the darkness of his room, blanket securely wrapped around you both.

🔴 Hates having to leave you, especially when you give him the puppy-dog eyes from over the blanket.

🔴 Hates that he gives into them so easily.

🔴 But he loves that he can feel your warmth again, as well as some sweet kisses.

Donnie: 💜

🟣 The only time he sleeps in his own bed is when you stay over.

🟣 You'll be first to wake up if he's had a long night of tinkering in his lab.

🟣 You gaze at his face, frowning at the dark bags under his eyes.

🟣 But your eyes brighten when you see the dopey smile on his face.

🟣 He'll feel your gaze on his face and tug you into his chest.

🟣 If Donnie wakes up first, he'll just stare at you.

🟣 Analysing all the small details he's never seen before.

🟣 The freckles around your nose? He's counted them all.

🟣 16 to be precise.

🟣 He notices the way your hair colour gets darker and darker towards the roots, the scientific logic flowing through his mind as his eyes study each thin strand.

🟣 He's usually too awestruck to say or do anything when you're sleeping peacefully next to him.

🟣 Is too afraid to move in case he wakes you up.

🟣 Leo will definitely yell at him for being late for training.

Mikey: 🧡

🟠 The first time you stayed over, as a couple, he kinda treated it as a normal sleepover.

🟠 But when you asked to share a bed with him realisation kicked in.

🟠 Waking up to you in the morning must be his favourite thing in the world.

🟠 When Mikey stays over at your's, he is 100% the last to wake up.

🟠 Only because he doesn't have to get up to train at a ridiculous time, so he enjoys the times when he can have a lay-in.

🟠 If you're staying over at the lair, he'll be awake before you.

🟠 After all, he is the cook of the family and has to make breakfast for everyone.

🟠 If he feels like it, or when he knows you're having a tough time, he'll bring you breakfast in bed.

🟠 He'll chill with you until he has to go train or some other ninja responsibility calls.

🟠 Somedays, you both will refuse to move out of bed and just end up playing video games for most of the day.

🟠 When he wakes up first he gets bored quite quickly.

🟠 Will proceed to prod your face until you slap his hand away, now fully awake.

🟠 You don't stay mad for long when you hear his laughter.

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