RiseMikey x FReader: Happy thoughts

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Request: Can you do an established relationship with rise mikey x female reader and the reader needs late night cuddles because she can't sleep due to nightmares that the turtles (especially Mikey) might not survive one of the missions the team goes on? Angst and fluff Only if you'd like though, there's no rush! ^^

A/N: Sorry it's taken me so long to get to this request, I have spent a few days, kinda, off of writing fics. I think a part of me feels burnt out but then another wants to do it, idk its weird? Anyway, hope this is what you wanted and sorry it's a little short, I've got a lot of requests to get through. Enjoy!


Running. Running is all you remember. The flashes of lightning hit the building hard, making its foundations shake violently as the storm outside raged on. You found that you weren't frightened of the storm but what was happening beneath those dark clouds.

You caught your reflection when lightning struck for a third time that night, caught the look of desperation and fear in your eyes. You looked awful and if Mikey were here he'd probably tell you that, along with countless ways to cheer you up. But that was just the guy Mikey happened to be: thoughtful, considerate and loving. A perfect ball of sunshine.

You kept his beaming smile in your mind, even if he wasn't beside you the memory of him seemed to keep your mind at ease enough. But it still wasn't the same as having the box turtle snuggled beside you on your bed like you had planned for that evening. It was just meant to be a simple movie night but once he got the call from his brothers that something big was happening over the horizon, he had to go.

You couldn't blame him, no. You blamed whatever took him away from you that night. You couldn't quite catch who the culprit was this time since he left so fast, only shouting a quick apology before shooting out through your bedroom window and over the rooftops.

So here you were, sat against your bedroom window watching as the storm got worse and worse. Waiting for your beloved partner to return so life can go back to semi-normal. You'd wait until the end of time if it just meant you got to see Mikey unharmed and in your arms again.

Even if you could feel him close to you, your imagination wasn't enough to hold off the thoughts. The what-ifs? Like what if they ran into worse trouble on the way back? What if he got injured? What if it was more than just a light scratch or a forming bruise? What if he didn't come back?

The last one really troubled you, stuck with you like a tumour. You couldn't shake the thought from your head, the constant lingering feeling that something bad had happened to Mikey or all of his brothers. That they were alone and defeated.

You knew they'd be fine, they're trained ninjas with mystic weapons, of course they'd be okay. But what if this time they weren't, what if they met a foe they couldn't defeat?

Stop it, stop it, stop it you chided to yourself, choosing to focus your attention on the storm and not the deep, dark feelings brewing in your heart.

Think happy thoughts. Happy thoughts like that time when you went to a secluded beach for the day, gosh it was so funny seeing how the boys reacted to the sand and sunburns. Or when you first confessed your feelings to Mikey and he literally screamed loud enough Channel Six news thought it was a call from God.

A warm smile emerged onto your face, the feeling of a warm hand brushing through your hair, calming breaths lifting you up and down. Flicking your eyes open you caught Mikey's worried gaze, "Are you okay, (Y/N)? You were flinching in your sleep and moving a lot."

You kept blinking at him, taking in the setting of your bedroom, the fairy lights, the stacks of DVDs, the bowl of popcorn. A dream? No, not a dream, a nightmare for sure. So it wasn't real, Mikey hadn't left and it was alll just made up!

"(Y/N)?" Mikey whispered again, still slightly unnerved by your sudden grin. You leapt at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his shell and squeezed. Mikey fell back into the pillows, nervously chuckling while rubbing his hands up and down your back in comfort, "O-okay, what's going on?"

"Nothing, nothing's going on at all." you mused, flashing those beautiful eyes back up at him. His nervous grin soon became more confident as he pressed quick kisses over your face, making sure to spend a little more attention on your lips before releasing you.

You laid back with him, happily snuggled up to his side as he pressed play on the movie, "Oh, er, sorry I kinda watch it without you. It's just that you l-looked so peaceful while you were asleep and I d-didn't want to wake yo-"

You pressed a finger to his lip to silence him, "It's okay, I'm just happy you're here." you kissed his cheek then pressed your nose into the crook of his neck. Mikey looked puzzled but turned his attention back to the movie, his eyes flicking down to you, checking you were still okay.

"Of course I'm here, where else would I be?"

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