2012Raph x GNReader: Heard you from a mile away

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Request: Can you do one with the 2012 turtles were Reader just kabe dons them to the wall.

A/N: not going to lie I had to search up what it meant, decided to do Raph since i've never written for him before in the 2012 version. So if this comes across as out of character, apologies. Anyway, enjoy!


You flipped through the pages of the comic book Mikey had leant you to entertain yourself with as the boys went about training. The comic was a clear parody of Batman and Robin but you found it fulfilling enough, as though it was the real thing. It had all the things a comic should have in it: cheesy comedy, dramatic action scenes, long monologues. You could hear the boys in the dojo cheering, the clanging of metal echoing around the lair. If you listened hard enough you could faintly pick out each turtle's breath, it sounded weird to say but they each had something unique about them besides their signature mask colour and weapon.

Leo tried to keep his breathing and pants quiet and focused, possibly something he had learned through years of meditation. Donnie would mutter equations under his breath in a whisper, constantly trying to outwit his foe. Mikey was quite the opposite, he'd be cheering and laughing the whole time, you're always surprised you can hear the others when he's in the room. Finally, there was Raph, his breathing would be ragged and short, often times a low growl would tumble out sending a shiver down your spine. You prided yourself on your equine sense of hearing, it's a reason why the brothers could never sneak up on you; in fact, they made it a game.

When you were least expecting it, one of the four brothers would do their best attempt at sneaking up on you; of course, it never worked though. You smiled fondly at the memory of Donnie using suction cups to stick to the ceiling of the kitchen but ended up crashing onto the counter. Another time, Leo waited a full hour for you to turn around a corner, what he didn't know was you could hear his light giggle and quickly strode away. Mikey never really tried with the game, ultimately losing before he was in the radius of you. Raph probably took it the most serious, where the others were out for a fun game, Raph wanted to scare you.

He'd tried everything, from a spontaneous jump around the corner to climbing into your apartment late at night. Yeah, the last one ended up with a bat-shaped mark on the side of his head. You didn't trust walking into quiet empty rooms anymore, knowing that he could be lurking in there made you paranoid beyond belief. Hearing the tired footsteps of the four brothers approaching, you closed the comic book and placed it neatly beside you. Welcoming them with a warming smile you congratulated them on their training session:

"Well done guys, sounds like you were going pretty hard in there."

Leo sat on the floor in front of the television, no doubt putting on Space heroes, "It wasn't so bad," he laughed, flicking through the channels. Raph scoffed next to you, shifting the comic before his shell hit the cold concrete, "Of course you'd say that, you're Splinter's star pupil." Donnie nodded in agreement, taking a seat opposite you both. Mikey waltzed out of the kitchen with a box of pizza in his hands, he plopped himself on the beanbag and shoved another slice into his mouth "Exacmtly, howm are wem meanmt to-" he began to choke slightly.

Raph huffed out a breath, crossing his arms he refused to look at Mikey, instead opting to watch Leo constantly flick through channel after channel, "Talk without ya mouthful, bozo, and will ya just pick a channel!" he yelled, the last aimed at Leo. The leader in blue sent Raph a glance over his shoulder, a devilish smirk embedded itself onto his face as he continued to purposefully flick through the channels. Raph growled at him, the sound once again sending shivers down your spine.

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