Disaster Twins x GNReader: Game Over

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Request: One shot request 🥺 Prompt #33 with ROTTMNT with either Leo or Donnie(Maybe both, not in a love triangle way but both realize they have a crush on the reader. And since they go back and forth a lot, they trying to win over the reader????)

Prompt: "You know you're in love with them, right?"


There they are, sat in the bean bag that was mainly held together with tape and love. Delicate fingers flicking through the latest issue of Jupiter Jim and The Planet of the Missing Link. Their eyes were zip-zapping from one page to the next, a small smirk gracing their lips as a light chuckle tumbled out with their breath.

Leo was perched around the corner, watching you, he convinced himself it wasn't creepy; simply observing the nature around him. His head peered around the sewer wall, frozen to the spot by your beauty. His attention was on you, his brain only ever thought of you, his heart only beats for you.

"What're you doing?" came Donnie's mundane voice, Leo startled, flailing his arms and legs in the air before coming to a stop. His chest beat heavily, deep breaths and a possible heart attack powering him on. His forehead was slick with sweat, eyes darting all around the room, avoiding the uncomfortable nature of meeting Donnie's eyes.

He pointed an accusing finger at said turtle, jabbing it until he got his point across, albeit a weak one, "What're you doing, huh? Spying on (Y/N) like that!"

Donatello pushed away Leo's finger, not even batting an eye at his behaviour "I wasn't spying on (Y/- wait, is that what you're doing? You're spying on-" Leo slapped his hands against Donnie's mouth. At this point, Leo's whole body was sweaty, sweaty and nervous.

Could Donnie be any more louder?

"What are you doing here, D?" Leo began interrogating the poor guy, still with his palms silencing the soft-shell turtle. The two stared at each other, Leo awaiting Donnie's reply while Donnie waited for Leo to give him some personal space.

"Well, aren't you gonna say anything?" Leo rushed out, impatient as always. Donnie lifted a brow in mock disgust, way to make it obvious. Leo silently apologised and backed away, quickly checking that you were still in the projector room; which you were.

"Firstly, your hands are so gross, do you even wash them?"

"What for?"

Donnie grimaced, face turning greener if it were possible. Swallowing down the disgust he had just felt, Donald continued, "Secondly, why should I tell you what I may or may not partake in; it's not like you're (Y/N)'s bodyguard or anything."

"How'd you know that? What if I am?" Leo bulked up his frame, though he still had noodle arms with the tiniest bit of muscle attached around his shoulders.

"I don't think I have anything to worry about," Donnie mused, eyeing his brother's noodle arms. Leo deflated at that, a pout on his lips. The next thing he knew, you were walking past the pair, giving them a brief wave as you went.

"Hey guys," only two words, all it took were two words for Leo to be rendered completely useless. The sweet aroma that followed you filled his senses, the fairy lights that lit up the walkways did wonders for your skin and highlighted the lengths of each strand of hair.

The moment you entered the kitchen, Leo released the pent up breath though he halted when he heard another sigh, "Aren't they stunning?" he cooed under his breath.

"Yeah~" Donnie huffed out, just as dopey if not more so than Leo. Slowly turning to Donnie, Leo could see you had the same effect on the purple-bandanaed turtle. Growing jealous, Leon sort to end this right here, right now.

"Y'know, their favourite colour is blue, right? Blue...Bllluuuuueeee." he sounded out, Donnie looked confused, tapping at his wristpad for the correct answer.

"Really? I could have sworn it was yellow, I believe it was after they saw that one movie car as a kid."

"Forget that techy nonsense, D." Leo leant against his brother's side, covering up his wrist before Donnie could find the correct results. A devilish smile graced Leonardo's lips, "Y'know, I know for a fact that (Y/N) loves oranges and all things that smell like oranges too, why don't you go spend, I don't know, a couple of hours finding something."

Donnie pulled away from Leo, arms folded over his chest with mock annoyance on his face, "Are you tricking me right now?"

"Whaaaat?" Leo paused, hand braced flat against his chest, "Would I ever do that?" he tried to act innocent but it came across as sarcastic.

"Yes." Donnie deadpanned. Leo wrapped an arm around Donnie's shoulder, finding difficulty with the addition of his battleshell, "My dear brother, I would do absolutely nothing to get in the way of you and (Y/N)." although his beady eyes said otherwise.

Donatello pushed Leo away, watching him fumble around until he caught his footing, "You know you're in love with them, right?" he asked, but he already knew the answer. It was a sad realisation that he had one night, sat alone in his lab just thinking about things, then those things drifted to you and eventually, he thought about how his brothers see you; and that's when he came to Leo.

He knew Leo had a massive crush on you, but he still needed to hear it out loud. Turning to his brother, Leo sort for your form in the kitchen before answering "And what if I do? You're not their bodyguard or anything." he recalled. Donnie sighed, pinching the bridge of his brows, "Clearly fighting like this isn't going to get us anywhere, so what are we going to do?"

"Oh, I don't know, D. I kinda liked telling you all that stuff."

"Scoff, you don't think I'd actually fall for that? Who do I look like? Raph?" a distant 'Hey!' was heard in the background. Leo folded his arms over his chest, "Alright, alright. How 'bout this? We fight for (Y/N)'s love?"

Donnie cringed, "See, as good as I am at fighting, it's not really my strong suit. How about a complex math equation that has puzzled the greatest for years?" he seemed way too excited about it.

"PASS!" Leo huffed, "What we need is an even way to fight and where both sides are evenly matched." He thought for a moment, then quickly snapped his fingers "I got it!"


"I'm sooooo gonna beat you, D!" Leo beamed, thumbs rapidly hitting the controller. Sweat poured down the turtle, leaving him in his own sweaty puddle. The blue hedgehog on-screen jumping up and down trying to avoid any blows from his enemy.

"Pffft, please. It will be I who bests you in this battle and win the prize of (Y/N)'s love." Donnie glared at the screen, his goggles covering his eyes to give him a better chance. His character sprung into the air, the orange mech gliding effortlessly in his hands.

The lights in the gaming room were dark, the two only lit by the neon glow of the arcade machines around them. They were so consumed in their game they failed to notice you, "Hey guys, what you doing?"

"Not now (Y/N), we're in a serious competition." Leo groaned, kicking his legs out in rage at losing another match. Donnie cheered slightly but it was short-lived, "What're you fighting for?"

"Ugh, sigh, (Y/N) could you please be a little more quiet. I need full concentration if I am to beat Leo for your love." The two turtles didn't even realise what had been said, too absorbed in winning the game. You stood behind them in silence, too stunned to say anything, "What?"

"Uh oh." the duo said at the same time, staring into each other's wide eyes as the game over screen darkened the room.

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