BayLeo x FReader: Red lips

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Request: Hellou~ I love your writings. Can I request: Reader has put on lipstick and has tried to be careful all day not to spoil her lipstick she eats/drinks (this was me today :'D heh). Number 27 and/or"Don't give me that face, it's so cute I might not be able to hold back."In the end lipstick gets ruined. ;3 I was thinking Leo or Donnie.

Prompt 27: "Don't give me that face, it's so cute I might not be able to hold back."


You were feeling quite proud of yourself, after having brought a new lipstick the other week, a beautiful shade of red, you were adamant that you weren't going to mess it up on anything. And you were doing surprisingly well.

You had made sure to carry the lipstick in your bag in case anything did happen, but so far there was no need to reapply. You were walking around New York with a proud smirk and glossy lips, living your best life as it were. Anytime you had order food you made sure to eat with the utmost care, any drink had to come with a straw and any sneezing or coughing was handled expertly with a tissue.

All your friends had complimented you on the shade, even having some strangers in the street mention it once or twice. Now the true test was to see what your boyfriend, Leonardo, thought of it.

Now Leo wasn't one to care about looks, sure he thought you were beautiful, definitely the most beautiful girl in the world, but looks weren't everything to him. He also wasn't one to get excited about makeup, being a turtle living in the sewers for your whole life did that to you. Although, he couldn't wipe the smile off of his face at your unbridled joy when you got excited over these types of things.

He had complimented your makeup skills before, amazed by the patterns and colours you used. But his favourite thing about your makeup regimen was when you applied lipstick, it was something deeply embedded in his mind. The moment he saw you wearing lipstick something happened to him, he became possessive, he became urgent, he became desperate. Leo knew he had many weakness, all that was reasonable; losing his family, losing you, not being the best leader he could be, failing his team.

All perfectly reasonable weaknesses and fears by anyone's standards. But what Leo never knew was the moment he got into a relationship with you was that his biggest weakness was lipstick. Who woulda thunk?

You bounced into the lair with light steps, you instantly greeted Mikey who was sat crisscrossed on the floor, a controller in his lap. His eyes beamed brightly when he noticed your lipstick, comparing it to the bright red colour of an Airhead. "Mikey, do you know where Leo is? We're meant to go for a little rooftop picnic later," you questioned, failing hard to not look around the lair for the 6-foot terrapin. Mikey laughed at your attempt to seem inconspicuous and simply turned back to his game, thumbs mashing the controller with rapid speed.

"I think I saw him go into Don's lab," you thanked him quickly then dashed off to the tinted curtain. You went to knock but stopped yourself, soon realising there was nothing to knock on. "K-knock knock," you stumbled out, embarrassed. A small chuckle sounded on the opposite side, you slid the curtain open and pushed your body through into the mystic wonders of Donnie's lab. "Hey (Y/N), what can I do you for?" he asked, not making eye contact but instead tapping away on his computer.

"I'm looking for Leo and Mikey said he was in here...but now that I'm here I'm guessing that's not the case." you drew out, eyes bouncing from one object to another. Donnie shook his head, finally turning to look at you, "Nope, I'm afraid not. It's just been me today, have you tried his room?"

"Ughh, why didn't I think of that!" you groaned, slapping your palm against your head in frustration. Donnie let out a little snort, adjusting the position of his glasses on his face, "Lesson learnt,"

"And what lesson would that be?"

"Don't listen to Mikey," Donnie mused, swirling back around to face his desk and continue typing about god knows what. You took that as your moment to leave the genius to work and instead focus on the reason why you came here in the first place. Moving through the lair with ease, you passed by and greeted a puffing Rapheal on his way out of the dojo and a meditating Splinter.

Finally making it to the depths of the lair, a.k.a the boy's bedrooms, you rasped your knuckle against Leo's door. "Come in," his voice echoed, you used all your might and pushed the ageing wood open, smiling when you caught his form lying limply on his bed, a book in his hands. "Mikey for the last time, I'm not going to help you beat that level on Forces, you gotta do it yourself."

"What a shame, I do quite enjoy your help." you teased, watching with a devilish smirk as his eyes widened at you. He stuttered off of the bed, moving quickly to stand in front of you with his fingers nervously scratching the cavern of his neck, "S-sorry, I didn't realise it was you."

Turning your head around his form and onto his bed, you noted how he was in such a panic he lost his page. Before you could warn him, Leo came in for a hug, wrapping his large arms around your body with ease. "Hey, Lee? I don't want to alarm you but you've lost your page."

"Huh?" Leo pulled back with a confused frown, rolling your eyes, you pointed your index finger to his bed where the book lay dead. Leo cursed under his breath, although it wasn't an actual curse since he was too respectful for that. He did the walk of shame back to his bed and thumbed through the pages he recognised until he found his place. Moving to his bedside, he pulled a Star Wars trading card from the table and used it as a bookmark.

"Sooo, are you ready for our picnic?" you grinned, walking across the room to loop your hands with his. Leo held your hands in a warm grip, his eyes finally roaming over your body and landing on your lips. The innocent smile that had been gracing your lips disappeared, an interrogative "What is that?" coming out of his mouth. You looked puzzled by the question, looking into his eyes you tilted your head back at him, "What is what? Do I have something on my face?"

Leo leaned in closer, his breath fanning across the expanse of your cheeks, eyes wincing as he inspected your face further. "Your lips..." he muttered out to himself more than anything, you pulled away from him, hands still linked. "My lips?" you questioned before it finally connected, "Oh you mean my lipstick, do you like it?" you began posing even if the focus was meant to be on the lipstick and not on your outfit.

Leo let out a small chuckle, connecting his hands with yours again before pulling you back into his chest. "Yes, it's a very...nice shade of red?" he threw out, not really knowing how to compliment makeup. You pouted up at him, "Was that your attempt at complimenting me?" you teased.

"Don't give me that face, it's so cute I might not be able to hold back." Leo murmured, rubbing his thumb along your cheekbone, not caring that he was getting blush and foundation on his skin. You leaned into his touch, prompting a long churr to rumble from his chest, "What about the picnic?" you whispered, afraid to break the tension between you both.

"It's a rooftop, it's not going anywhere." he joked, smashing his lips against yours. You could feel the red lipstick spread along your face, lips pressed so hard against his you were afraid you had marked him in red. Pulling apart for a quick intake of air, your laughter filled the room when you caught Leo's massacred face.

"What? What is it?" he rushed out, growing anxious. Your thumb travelled the curves of his lips, trying your best to wipe away the red with a teasing glint in your eyes. "Honey, has anyone ever told you that red really suits you?"

"Oh." he deadpanned, coming to a sudden realisation. "C'mon," you tugged at his hand, pulling him to the bathroom, "Let's clean you up." he smiled at the notion and allowed you to drag him. But he did everything in his power not to be spotted by his brothers.

"Hahaha, what did you do? Eat red paint!" Raph roared, "O-or-or- did a tomato explode on your face!" Mikey cheered along.

Mission failed.

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