RiseRaph x GNReader: I'm here

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Request: Hey there! I want to say, that your blog is super awesome! And also i have a request: 36 with ROTTMNT Raphael. I think it would be really interesting and with a little angst. I have to warn you: i will send you later another requests, if you don't mind oUo. 😊😊 Thank you in advance! :3 And wish you a luck! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

36: "I can't take the loneliness anymore."

A/N: Howdy, so I just want to say that you didn't specify who you wanted to say the line so I wrote it with the reader in mind, I hope you're okay with that. Also, thank you for the love dude and I can't wait to see more requests. I'm a little rusty at writing Raph and Mikey so I always like a challenge. Enjoy!


You came to the lair, like you would most days, with high energy just like Mikey. When you first met the brothers it took a while for them to get used to it, having to already live with someone who already foamed at the mouth for pizza. But eventually, each brother grew fond of your bubbly presence. Whether that be joking with Leonardo, yapping about science to Donatello, cooking with Michelangelo or training with Raphael.

Even though your personality seemed to match the youngest turtle of the bunch, you found that you spent most of your time with the eldest of the four. Raph had secretly revelled at the fact that you choose to hang out with him compared to his brothers, his only other friend besides April being Buddy. He happily accepted the company, enjoying your presence while he trained against said foot-soldier.

After spending a few months with the red-banded turtle, you finally built up the courage to ask him to train you. Your reasoning had been to learn defence and that it looked super badass, but, the real reason was that your mind couldn't stop centring on the snapping turtle. Thinking that if you spent more time with him, up close, your mind would file these thoughts away and you'd be safe from blushing under his touch.

Oh, how wrong you were.

The first lesson was a little awkward, neither of you knew where the boundaries lied. After some embarrassing banter between you both, it quickly felt like a normal day. Raph was actually a pretty good teacher when it came down to it, he'd demonstrate the move he wanted you to learn then adjust your positioning whenever it was a little off. You two spent weeks doing this, too busy to hear the light chatter of his brothers crowding around the doorway observing your private lessons.

You'd never admit it to Raph, but you enjoyed the close proximity between your back and his chest. Sometimes you'd purposely mess up a move, sometimes multiple times, just so you could feel his arms securely around you. That was currently where you were now, one of his muscular arms was wrapped around your own pulling it closer to your face. His foot had pushed against your left foot, slipping it further from your right, strengthing your stance.

"Good." he beamed, stepping away from you to take in your stance. You felt your cheeks blossom at the way his eyes travelled over your body, but the cold air of the lair suddenly hit your back causing a shiver to shake your bones. Noticeably feeling his presence drift away from you, a frown etched its way onto your face. The lesson ended earlier than usual, Raph had told you that when you came to the lair, but somehow it had slipped your mind, especially when you stared into his eyes.

"Okay (Y/N), that was a good lesson today. You just need to work on your stances and you'll be golden, no doubt about it." he mused, rubbing his palm over your hair. Pushing away his contact, your mind arguing for you to grab his hand and pull it close to your heart, you smiled up at him "Yeah, well I've got the best teacher, right?" you asked, raising your hand into a fist and gently punching his shoulder.

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