(28) Rescued

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Alessandro's POV:

We all entered the third floor and looked around for Vladimir and saw no one except some guards who my brothers took care off.

We searched all the rooms but no one was there.

We all then entered the main hall.

"He's not in any of the rooms", I say

"Yeah we searched every single one", Xander said

"Where is he then?", wondered Leo

"Do you think he ran away?", asked Elijah

"No our men outside would have informed us", Dad said

"We have kept guards outside to kill of the Russians who try to escape", Antonio said

"What about Val and Max?", Grandpa asked

"Ben's gone to search for them", I assure them

They nod.

"Then Vladimir's got to be here somewhere", Lucas said

"Yup, I'm right here", we heard someone and we turned to see Vladimir and Adrian standing there with Max crying in front of them.

I heard my brothers gasp.

My heartbeat increased seeing Max held at gunpoint.

"Grandpa", cried Max and tried coming to us but Vladimir pulled him back.

"Stay boy", growled Adrian.

"No, I want big bros, Uncle V and Grandpa", Max shouted crying real bad and thrashing.

My heart broke at his sight.

Vladimir hit him on his head with enough force to stop him.

"You're testing my patience with you boy. Shut up now!", shouted Vladimir

Max stopped thrashing but continued crying holding his head

"You bastard", shouted Dad furiously

"How dare you raise your hand on my brother", shouted Antonio

"You will pay for that Vladimir", I snarl

"Let him go Vladimir. Your game's over", growled Grandpa

"I told you to give me your mafias in return of your kids and you decided to attack me. You don't care about your kids or what?", he smirked

"You will never get our Mafias and you will give us back our siblings now", Leo said angrily

"Well Max is as good as dead if you don't do as I say and well Valentina must be having fun locked up", he laughed

"Your men are dead Vladimir! What makes you think you can leave this place and get our mafias?", Dad said looking at him as if he's dumb.

Before he could reply I saw Max bite Vladimir's arm hard and tried to run but Vladimir got hold of him again but in the mean time Grandpa killed Adrian.

"No let me go", shouted Max crying

"This little brat has crossed his limits now he bit me and got Adrian killed! He is going to die", Vladimir said pointing his gun at Max's head.

"No no stop please", shouted Mark

"Listen he's a kid. He's just five years old please don't hurt him", Elijah tried reasoning.

Vladimir scoffed.

"We'll give you what you want okay just leave him", I shout

Vladimir laughs with his gun still on Max's head

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