(3) Finally home

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[Vincenzo's POV]

My hand reached forward to grab the cup of coffee that was helping me stay focused as I scanned through some important documents on my desk.

Almost as soon as I place the cup back on the coaster, my phone started ringing. I pick it up, eyes fixed on the new deal, as I answer it.

"Hello?", I spoke.

I recieved no reply from the other end.

"Hello?", I repeated, stressing my tone.

"Uh..h-hi", A small soft voice replied finally.

"Yes? Who's this?", I asked while flipping the page using the other hand.

Once again I was rewarded with deafening silence. Now this is a great way to annoy the hell out of people. Where is the basic courtesy? When you call someone, you usually start with introducing yourself, but whoever this is has apparently forgotten how to talk.

"Hello? Who's this?", I didn't hide the frustration on my tone because I really was busy and didn't have time for this.

"I'm sorry, but can you please tell me who I'm talking to?", The caller questioned.

I couldn't help, but feel confused. "Excuse me?"

Shouldn't this person know who she's calling before dialing the number? And in my case I don't usually come across people who have my personal number and are unaware of my name.

"Do you know someone named Melanie?", The caller questioned quietly.

I froze. That name. It's been more than a decade I've come across that name. No one talks about her and I have given up myself. That name is practically forbidden in my house.

But out of nowhere I'm getting a call from someone wanting to know if I'm familiar with this name? Who's this person?

I let my mafia side take over. "Who are you?"

"Do you have a wife named, Melanie?", The soft voice questioned next instead of answering my question.

I did.

My heart skipped a beat hearing the name being associated as my wife, my better half. I hate that I'm still affected by those emotions. No matter how much I try she refuses to leave my mind.

"Who is this?", I resist the urge to grit angrily, but nevertheless do not hide the frustration in my tone.

This person better answer my questions at the soonest because they're already treading lightly after mentioning my wife, who's abandoned me and my sons.

"My name's Valentina", The caller whispered softly.

All the anger from a second ago washed up like the sea brushes the shore. I almost dropped my phone hearing that name. The one name that carries the potential to weaken me to my core.

No way. This is not possible. It can't be her.

"What did you just say?", I managed to speak, my eyes wide and heart beating rapidly against my chest.

"My name's Valentina. I'm...uh..your daughter, I guess", The soft sweet voice replied meekly.

I almost immediately abandon the file I was inspecting and push back my chair to stand up. Turning around I gaze outside the window with one hand on the wall supporting my weight.

My eyes closed, with anticipation. "Valentina?"

"Yeah", She replied softly.

For the first time in years I felt myself tear up. My forcefully kept my eyes shut refusing to let the tears fall. It's funny how that mere voice has me messed to up like an overly emotional person.

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