(11) Goodbye for now

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[Valentina's POV]

I think I now understand the real reason behind my family owning and living in a mansion as big as ours. It's the best solution to accommodate our cousins and extended family whenever they visit us in the states.

And despite everyone having been allotted their respective rooms to sleep at night at the present moment we were all cramped up in the theatre room ready for a movie night.

The popcorn, snacks and beverages were prepared. Everyone had settled down and cozied into the couches and armchairs. But one thing that no one anticipated would dampen the excitement of movie night with us 18 cousins was....which movie to watch.

For the past 15 minutes, all my brothers have been arguing unceasingly about their respective movie choices and mind you not one of them is willing to adjust. They were being so adamant about their preferences that I had started believing that there would be no movie night after all.

I was baffled to say the least. My eyes darted back and forth watching them argue with each other like it was a tennis match. I'm not even sure they were listening to each other because they all were talking at once.

"Are they always like this?", I practically yelled to the person sitting next to me.

"Yup. Usually worse", Matteo shrugs nonchalantly. "Wait till it gets physical. They'll scratch each other's eyes right out."

I wasn't sure if Matteo was joking. I really wasn't.

"Shouldn't we stop this?", I suggest, feeling too sure about this turning into a bloodbath.

Matteo looked at me like I'd lost my mind. "There is so much for you to learn, little sister. God you're innocent", He leans closer to kiss the side of my head.

I was confused, but kept quiet anyway.

Just when I thought they wouldn't stop fighting anytime soon, god sent help. Our parents and grandparents entered the room looking at us like they regretted creating as many of us as they did.

"Boys!", Uncle Alfonso shouts loudly to get everyone's attention.

Surprisingly enough everyone actually shut up. But when he tried to ask what was happening they all started talking again. All trying to get their point heard whilst also complaining about the other offspring being a pain in the ass.

"I'm sorry I asked", Uncle Alfonso frowned.

"One more argument about whatever it is that you're arguing about and I'll put an end to this movie night. You all will go to bed this instant!", Aunt Isabella warned intimidatingly.

It worked. It actually worked. Unbelievable.

"Am I clear?", Aunt Isabella asked, her voice stern.

I tried not to smile seeing my brothers act their grumpy selves. Nevertheless they all nod in agreement.

"Good", Aunt Isabella went back to stand against the doorframe eyeing us all like a hawk in case we went back on our word.

Dad, my uncles and aunt looked so impressed with aunt Isabella that they almost forgot why they interrupted the biggest and loudest argument of the year.

They all stood in front of us blocking our view of the screen.

"Dad, could you please move? You're blocking the view", Marcus said, moving his head sideways to prove his point. Though there was no movie on yet.

"I am the view", Uncle Francesco said. "Now shut up and don't interrupt us."

I almost laughed then too. Others were taken aback.

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