(39) Birthday

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Valentina's POV:

I woke up today in a happy mood coz it's my birthday!

I got up and finished my bathroom routine and got ready. I checked the time and it was 8. I decided to go down for breakfast now.

I walk out of the room and I didn't recognise this mansion. I search for stairs for almost a minute and finally found them. I get down and wonder where is the dinning room.

Ugh..stupid huge mansions.

I thought of sitting down in one place knowing in sometime my brothers will come searching for me. I sat down in the middle of the hall.


After two minutes I heard someone shouting.

"Valentina?", shouted Xander

"Where is she?", Elijah shouted

I thought they'll find me but I guess I have to find them.

I get up sighing and start walking towards the voice.

"Valentina?", Elijah called

"I'm here", I shout and run towards the voice.

I turn at the end of the hall and saw Xander and Elijah looking for me in other rooms.

I smirk and run in full speed towards them. Their backs were towards me so they didn't see me coming.

I run and jumped on Elijah's back laughing loudly. He stumbles a bit coz of the sudden attack.

"There she is", sighs Xander

"Woah! Val we could have fallen down!", Elijah said immediately holding my legs which I tightly wrapped around his waist, my hands around his neck.

"No you would have fallen. I would have had a safe landing", I laugh

Xander snickered and smacked me on the head.

Elijah turns his head and gives me a playful glare.

"Where were you? We searched for you almost everywhere", Xander frowned

"Well I blame the huge ass house. I got lost searching for the dinning room", I rolled my eyes

They chuckled.

"Okay anyway a very happy birthday bambina!", Elijah shouted excitedly

"Thank you!", I grinned.

"Yeah bambina Happy Birthday!", Xander smiled kissing my forehead

"Thank you", I smiled hugging him by leaving Elijah's back and climbing on Xander's back.

Elijah hugged me and kissed me on the head.

"Come on let's go. Everyone's waiting for you", Elijah smiled.

"Okay but Xander give me the piggy back ride", I grin

"Okay little monkey let's go", Xander chuckled.

He carries me towards the dinning room, Elijah walking beside us.

We reach the room and I see Ales, Enzo, Xavier, Matteo and Dad already seated.

They see me coming and smile widely.

"Finally!", Matteo said

"Happy Birthday Valentina!", they all shout happily to me.

"Thank you guys!", I smiled widely

"What's with the piggy ride?", laughed Xavier

"Well she wanted one and plus she got lost in the house", snickered Xander

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